


时间:2016-09-18 12:25来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:36.58]So thought l`d ask you. 因此我想问问你。 [00:42.94]Well, all right. l guess l can try to help. 好吧。我想我可以帮帮你。 [00:44.26]l`m not really a, you know.... 我不是一个真正的.... [00:48.58]lt`s nothi
  •   [00:36.58]So thought l`d ask you. 因此我想问问你。
      [00:42.94]Well, all right. l guess l can try to help. 好吧。我想我可以帮帮你。
      [00:44.26]l`m not really a, you know.... 我不是一个真正的....
      [00:48.58]lt`s nothing. 没什么。
      [00:49.42]What did you want to know? 你想知道些什么?
      [00:50.22]lt`s just, l`m going through my teenage years. 只是我现在正在渡过青春期。
      [00:55.26]l`m confused about who l am and what my purpose is in life. 我对于我是谁,我的生活目标是什么很困惑。
      [00:55.78]And that`s confusing. 并且有些困惑。
      [01:00.14]What college l should go to. 我应该上哪所大学。
      [01:00.66]lf l should even go to college. 我是不是应该上大学。
      [01:04.06]l`m trying to resist peer2 pressure to do all sorts of things... 我现在正顶着每一份的压力去做...
      [01:06.14]that l know that l shouldn`t do, but some of them l kind of want to do. 一些我认为不该做的事情, 但有些却是我想做的。
      [01:08.42]lf you know what l mean. 你是否知道我的意思。
      [01:10.10]l`m considering getting my nose pierced and my belly3 button... 我正在考虑在我的鼻子上刺青和在屁股上纹身...
      [01:11.54]and nine other parts of my body. 还有身体的其他9个部位上刺青和纹身。
      [01:13.98]But my mom said she would totally kill me if l did that... 但是我妈妈却说如果我那么做她一定会杀了我...
      [01:17.22]so now l`m just thinking about getting a tattoo4 on my back. 因此我现在只想在背上弄个纹身。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      超完美男人      

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