


时间:2016-09-18 12:13来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:30.12]You know.... Romeo. 好象.... 罗密欧. [02:32.04]Right, or Heathcliff. 对,以及Heathcliff(人名). [02:35.08]and comparing them to their real-life counterparts. 和现实生活中的相类似的人作比较。 [02:36.12
  •   [02:30.12]You know.... Romeo. 好象.... 罗密欧.
      [02:32.04]Right, or Heathcliff. 对,以及Heathcliff(人名).
      [02:35.08]and comparing them to their real-life counterparts. 和现实生活中的相类似的人作比较。
      [02:36.12]Taking guys like that... 把这一类人...
      [02:41.40]But you don`t believe in romance. 但是你并不相信浪漫。
      [02:43.44]l`m stretching. 我是自我拓展。
      [02:47.12]Well, girls, l`m really not an authority on this. 女孩们,我真的不是这方面的权威。
      [02:53.68]Hot! 热辣点!
      [02:55.16]What makes today`s Perfect man perfect? 什么使当今的完美男人完美?
      [02:58.76]What is it that he says or does that makes him a woman`s perfect man? 他怎么说或怎么做令自己成为女人心目中的完美男人?
      [03:03.16]Well, that depends. Every woman`s different. 那取决于。 每个女人都是不一样的。
      [03:05.44]But yet, orchids work for all of them? 但是,兰花对每个人都有效吗?
      [03:07.32]Well, as a gesture, they do. l mean, but that`s just a.... 作为一种姿态,它确实有效。 我是说,但是那只是....
      [03:10.88]That`s a beginning, that`s.... 开端, 那是....
      [03:14.88]He`s got to have a deeper connection than that. 他必须做更深一步的交流。
      [03:16.56]He`s got to know what makes her tick. 他必须知道什么能令她动心。
      [03:17.92]Which is why, if you don`t know who the woman is... 这就是为什么,如果你不了解哪个女人...
      [03:21.80]She listens to Patsy Cline when she`s sad. 当她悲伤的时候她会听Patsy Cline的音乐。
      [03:22.44]it`s rather a moot3 point. 这还是个有争议的论点。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      超完美男人      

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