


时间:2016-09-09 12:47来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:25.28]You`re going to have to take your yearbook photo... 你会在你的学年相册里... [03:27.80]with all the losers who missed it in the fall. 和所有秋天错过照相的失败者一起合影。 [03:30.64]l don`t do yearbook ph
  •   [03:25.28]You`re going to have to take your yearbook photo... 你会在你的学年相册里...
      [03:27.80]with all the losers who missed it in the fall. 和所有秋天错过照相的失败者一起合影。
      [03:30.64]l don`t do yearbook photos. 我从来不参加学年照相。
      [03:33.76]You have no choice. 你没有选择权。
      [03:33.92]lt`s like taxes and death. 就好像缴税和死亡。
      [03:34.32]Mandatory pain. lf you don`t do it yourself... 强制性的痛苦。 如果你自己不参加...
      [03:37.80]they`ll hunt you down like an animal and force you to smile. 他们就会穷追不舍,强迫你在相机前微笑。
      [03:41.92]Not if l`m not here anymore, they won`t. 直到我离开为止,他们都不会罢休的。
      [03:43.80](bell ringing) (上课铃响了)
      [03:44.56]l`m so glad you came. (Jean) Thanks. 我很高兴你的到来. (简) 谢谢.
      [03:48.28]Now, we keep the mixers in the back. 我们的搅拌机在后面。
      [03:49.08]But l got to warn you, they`re all older than God. 但是我要警告你,它们都已经老掉牙了。
      [03:50.24]They don`t really mix very well... 它们搅拌起来不怎么顺畅...
      [03:53.36]they just kind of move things around. 只是让食物打转。
      [03:53.80]So l hope your manual mixer`s in real good shape. 所以我希望你可以人工使食物搅拌出漂亮的形状。
      [03:56.12]And watch out for our no-good oven. 当心我们不怎么好使的锅子。
      [03:58.92]lt`s worse than that one in Chapel6 Hill. 比小山上教堂里用的还糟糕。
      [04:00.00]Off by a good 10 degrees. 接近10度就会自动关闭。
      [04:02.88]Well, you know me. 你是知道我的。
      [04:04.96]l`m off by way more than that. Yes, you are. 我可不会轻易放弃的。 对,你是的。
      [04:06.16]And this is Gloria. Gloria, this is Jean... 这位是格劳丽雅。 格劳丽雅,这位是简...
      [04:09.32]the one l was telling you about. Really nice to meet you. 就是我跟你说过的那个人。 很高兴见到你。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      超完美男人      

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