


时间:2017-08-03 12:11来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:02.62]- Not now, Mr. Andrews. - There, look, 20 or so 我们在忙,安德鲁斯先生 [00:04.34]看,一艘可乘65个人的船,才坐了20个人左右? [00:05.78]in a boat built for 65, and I saw one boat with only 12-- 12! [00:0
  • [00:02.62]- Not now, Mr. Andrews. - There, look, 20 or so 我们在忙,安德鲁斯先生
    [00:05.78]in a boat built for 65, and I saw one boat with only 12-- 12!
    [00:08.26]Well, we weren't sure of the weight, Mr. Andrews. These boats may buckle1. 还有一艘只坐了十二人
    [00:13.14]Rubbish! They were tested in Belfast with the weight of 70 men! 胡说八道
    [00:18.30]Now, fill these boats, Mr. Lightoller, for God's sake, man! 把船都装满,莱托勒先生
    [00:25.06]Please, I need more women and children, please. 多来几位女士和小孩
    [00:31.82]Crewman: Get back in there. This is not an exit.
    [00:34.62]Get back in there. This is not an exit. 退回去
    [00:40.78]You can't keep us locked in here like animals. The ship's bloody2 sinking! 你不能把我们这样,像野兽一样关着
    [00:43.38]Bring forward the women! Unlock the gates. 船要沉了
    [00:49.10]Women only! No men! 妇女先出来
    [00:59.38]Get back! 退后
    [01:04.38]Lock the gates! 把门锁上
    [01:06.46]Get them back from those gates!
    [01:08.86]Don't touch the gates!
    [01:11.62]For God's sake, man, there are women and children down here! 看在老天爷的份上,里头有女人跟小孩

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