


时间:2017-07-31 12:25来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:46.86]No. No! 我不准,我说不行! [04:49.70]- I said no! - (Hawking) [04:52.86]Ruth: Rose! Please stop! 萝丝,别去! [04:54.90]Crewman: And lower away! [04:57.10]- Rose! - Man the tiller! 下水 [04:58.90]- No, wait! - Lowe
  • [04:46.86]No. No! 我不准,我说不行!
    [04:49.70]- I said no! - (Hawking)
    [04:52.86]Ruth: Rose! Please stop! 萝丝,别去!
    [04:54.90]Crewman: And lower away!
    [04:57.10]- Rose! - Man the tiller! 下水
    [04:58.90]- No, wait! - Lower away! 等一下
    [00:01.86]- Rose! - Lower together! 下水
    [00:09.30]Help! 救命!
    [00:09.38]Can anybody hear me? 有没有人听得见?
    [00:11.94](Banging Pipe) Hello, help me! 喂!救命!
    [00:14.74](Distantly): Help me!
    [00:18.30]Can anybody hear me? 救命!有没有人?
    [00:19.54]Somebody help me, please! 有没有人?救命!
    [00:26.26]Rose: Mr. Andrews? 安德鲁斯先生?
    [00:29.30]- Steward1, check the starboard corridor. - Yes, Mr. Andrews. 检查右舷的通道
    [00:31.70]Madam, please put on a lifebelt. Get to the boat deck immediately. 穿救生衣,到救生艇甲板
    [00:35.70]Lucy, for God's sake, put on your lifebelt. 露西,穿上救生衣
    [00:37.98]- Anyone in here? - Mr. Andrews? Mr. Andrews, thank God. 里头有人吗?
    [00:38.38]- Set a good example. - Yes, sir. 做个榜样
    [00:42.42]Where would the master-at-arms take someone under arrest? 安德鲁斯先生!谢天谢地
    [00:45.38]What? You have to get to a boat right away. 你必须快点坐上救生艇
    [00:47.14]No! I'm doing this with or without your help, sir, but without will take longer. 你帮不帮忙,我都得去

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