


时间:2017-07-19 12:09来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:54.60]你们干了什么好事? [01:55.44]卡尔别这样,那是个意外 [01:57.64]- It was an accident. - An accident? 意外? [02:02.08]It was. Stupid really. 对啊 [02:02.92]真是难为情 [02:04.80]I was leaning over, and I
  • [01:54.60]你们干了什么好事?
    [01:57.64]- It was an accident. - An accident? 意外?
    [02:02.08]It was. Stupid really. 对啊
    [02:04.80]I was leaning over, and I slipped. 我趴在栏杆上,结果滑倒了
    [02:10.96]I was leaning far over to see the, uh... 我趴在栏杆上,想看…
    [02:14.16]uh... uh... the, uh... uh... 想看…
    [02:15.24]- Propellers3? - propellers and I slipped. 推进器吗?
    [02:18.44]And I would have gone over board but Mr. Dawson here saved me 我差点掉下去
    [02:23.24]and almost went over himself. 他也差点掉下去
    [02:24.12]You wanted to see... She wanted to see the propellers. 她想看推进器!
    [02:26.68]Like I said, women and machinery4 do not mix. 我说嘛
    [02:31.00]Was that the way of it? 事情是这样的吗?
    [02:36.92]Yeah. Yeah, that was pretty much it. 对,差不多
    [02:38.28]Well, the boy's a hero then. Good for you, son. Well done. 这孩子英雄救美
    [02:45.52]Look at you. You must be freezing. Let's get you inside. 看,你一定冻坏了
    [02:50.16]Perhaps a little something for the boy. 该给点奖赏吧?
    [02:53.08]Of course. Mr. Lovejoy, I think a 20 should do it. 应该的
    [02:59.84]Is that the going rate for saving the woman you love? 我的行情就只有这么一点吗?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      泰坦尼克号      

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