


时间:2017-05-23 12:08来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:13.02]primitive monsters that could play chess 那只不过是会下棋的电脑 [02:15.66]- (Laughter) - How far we have come 那已经是好久以前的事了 [02:18.02]The artificial being is a reality 拥有人工智慧的机器人 [
  • [02:13.02]primitive monsters that could play chess 那只不过是会下棋的电脑
    [02:15.66]- (Laughter) - How far we have come 那已经是好久以前的事了
    [02:18.02]The artificial being is a reality… 拥有人工智慧的机器人
    [02:21.10]of perfect simulacrum… 拟真程度几乎完美
    [02:24.78]articulated in limb 长相一模一样
    [02:25.94]articulate in speech… 说话字正腔圆
    [02:28.82]and not lacking in human response 几乎拥有人类的反应
    [02:45.66]How did that make you feel? Angry? Shocked? 你有什么感觉?
    [02:49.70]- I don't understand. - What did I do to your feelings? 我不明白
    [02:54.22]You did it to my hand 你只伤了我的手
    [02:59.10]All right 好吧
    [03:00.18]There's the rub 问题就出在这里
    [03:05.26]Undress. At Cybertronics of New Jersey5 脱衣
    [03:06.54]the artificial being has reached its highest form 研发最先进的人工智慧
    [03:09.70]The universally-adopted Mecha… 也就是全球通用的机器人
    [03:17.78]in all the multiplicity of daily life 为人类的日常生活服务
    [03:19.34]That's far enough 衣服穿上
    [03:22.02]But we have no reason to congratulate ourselves 但是我们不能沾沾自喜
    [03:27.10]We are rightly proud of it 这虽然确实值得我们骄傲
    [03:28.90]but what does it amount to? 但是我们的成果到底如何呢?
    [03:31.74]Sheila, open 席拉,张嘴
    [03:54.82]A sensory6 toy… 这只是一个感官玩具
    [03:56.62]with intelligent behavioral circuits… 拥有智能行为电路板
    [04:01.22]using neurone-sequencing technology… 她使用的神经元排序技术
    [04:04.38]as old as I am 都和我的年龄一样老了

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      人工智能      

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