


时间:2017-05-27 12:41来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:22.34]and he still addressed her in hope. 他存着一线希望呼唤她 [01:24.70]He prayed until all the sea anemones 1 had shriveled and died. 他祈祷着直到海葵凋萎死去 [01:30.90]He prayed as the ocean froze 他祈祷着直到
  • [01:22.34]and he still addressed her in hope. 他存着一线希望呼唤她
    [01:24.70]He prayed until all the sea anemones1 had shriveled and died. 他祈祷着直到海葵凋萎死去
    [01:30.90]He prayed as the ocean froze… 他祈祷着直到海水结冰
    [01:32.90]and the ice encased the caged amphibicopter and the Blue Fairy too, 两栖直升机和蓝仙女都被冰封
    [01:37.74]locking them together where he could still make her out. 他被锁在冰块里仍然看见…
    [01:42.06]A blue ghost in ice… 一个蓝色身影
    [01:42.82]always there, 永远存在
    [01:46.18]always smiling, 永远微笑
    [01:46.62]always awaiting him. 永远等着他
    [01:51.18]Eventually, he never moved at all, 最后他不再移动
    [01:52.98]but his eyes always stayed open… 但是他仍然睁大着眼睛
    [01:55.82]staring ahead forever all through the darkness of each night… 每天晚上直视着漆黑的大海
    [02:00.70]and the next day… 日复一日
    [02:05.18]and the next day. 年复一年
    [00:06.70]David. 大卫…
    [00:14.98]You have been searching for me, haven't you, David? 你一直在找我,对吧?
    [00:24.78]For my whole life 我找了你一辈子
    [00:29.86]have you come to ask me?
    [00:29.94]And what, after all this time 过了这么久,你要我做什么?
    [00:33.34]I have a wish to make 我要向你许愿
    [00:37.34]And what is your wish? 你有什么愿望?
    [00:38.50]Please make me a real boy… 请你把我变成真男孩
    [00:43.86]so my mommy will love me and let me stay with her 我妈咪才会爱我,让我留下来
    [00:45.54]David, I will do anything that is possible, 大卫,我只能尽力而为

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      人工智能      

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