


时间:2017-05-27 12:42来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:51.22]but I cannot make you a real boy 但是我不能把你变成真人 [00:55.70]Where am I? 我在哪儿? [00:59.10]This looks like my house, but it is different 这很像我家,但是却不一样 [01:06.46]Yes, it is different 没错
  • [00:51.22]but I cannot make you a real boy 但是我不能把你变成真人
    [00:55.70]Where am I? 我在哪儿?
    [00:59.10]This looks like my house, but it is different 这很像我家,但是却不一样
    [01:06.46]Yes, it is different 没错,是不一样
    [01:07.46]but it's also your home 不过这也是你的家
    [01:10.74]We read your mind, and it's all here 我们知道你所有的记忆
    [01:13.70]There's nothing too small that you didn't store for us to remember 每一个小细节我们都没错过
    [01:21.58]We so want you to be happy. 我们好希望你快乐
    [01:22.82]You are so important to us, David. 这对我们来说很重要
    [01:26.22]You are unique in all the world. 你是世上独一无二的
    [01:35.18]Will Mommy be coming home soon? 妈咪很快就会回家吗?
    [01:40.46]Is she out shopping with Martin now? 她跟马丁出去逛街吗?
    [01:44.82]David, she can never come home… 大卫
    [01:48.98]because 2,000 years have passed 因为时间过了两千年
    [01:55.14]and she is no longer living 她已经不在人世了
    [02:00.30]Dearest David, 亲爱的大卫
    [02:03.02]when you are lonely 当你感到寂寞
    [02:05.18]we can bring back other people from your time in the past 我们可以把别人从过去带回来
    [02:11.18]If you can bring back other people 你们能把别人带回来
    [02:12.14]why can't you bring back her? 为什么不能把她带回来?
    [02:15.30]Because we can only bring back people… 从冰块挖出来的尸体才能复生
    [02:19.90]whose bodies we dig1 up from the ice
    [02:21.98]We need some physical sample of the person, 我们需要这个人的残骸

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      人工智能      

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