


时间:2017-05-23 12:09来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:08.74]I believe that my work on mapping the impulse pathways in a single neurone 我相信我对 [04:09.70]测定单神经元中脉冲排序的研究 [04:12.62]can enable us to construct 能够让我们生产出 [04:15.78]a Mecha of a qu
  • [04:08.74]I believe that my work on mapping the impulse pathways in a single neurone… 我相信我对…
    [04:12.62]can enable us to construct… 能够让我们生产出
    [04:15.78]a Mecha of a qualitatively7 different order 不同配置的、高智能的仿真人
    [04:21.30]I propose… 我提议…
    [04:22.58]that we build a robot… 研发一个机器人
    [04:29.22]- who can love. - Love? 会爱的机器人
    [04:31.42]- But we ship thousands of lover models every month. - Of course 可是,我们每月都卖出几千个机器情人了
    [04:36.98]- You're your own best customer, Syatyoo-Sama. - (Laughter) 当然了 你是你自己产品最好的消费者
    [04:41.74]- Quality control is very important. - (Laughter) 控制质量是非常重要的
    [04:56.54]Tell me. What is love? 告诉我
    [04:58.42]Love is first widening my eyes a little bit… 爱是什么?
    [00:03.34]and quickening my breathing a little… 呼吸急促、体温开始上升并且触摸我的...
    [00:05.34]and warming my skin and touching1 my…
    [00:07.38]And so on. Exactly so. Thank you, Sheila 诸如此类,没错
    [00:09.30]But I wasn't referring to sensuality simulators 但我指的不单是性爱机器人
    [00:12.18]The word that I used was “love.” 刚才我说的是  --- 爱
    [00:16.54]Love like the love of a child for its parents 就像是小孩对父母的这种爱
    [00:25.42]A robot child who will genuinely love… 一个能从心里爱父母的孩子机器人 他能对父母付出真挚的爱

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      人工智能      

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