
  • [罗马假日] 《罗马假日》电影台词(36) 日期:2017-01-11 12:57:30 点击:207 好评:0

    [02:28.12]I am so glad to hear you say it. 很高兴听见你这么说 [02:35.96]Which of the cities visited did Your Highness enjoy the most? 殿下最喜欢哪个城市? [02:51.40]Each in its own way was unforgettable. 每个城市都有令...

  • [罗马假日] 《罗马假日》电影台词(35) 日期:2017-01-11 12:56:22 点击:93 好评:0

    [03:53.92]Yeah. Its an assignment, isnt it? 我会去,这是我的工作,是吗? [03:58.68]Yeah. 是的 [04:05.64]Ill see you. 待会见 [04:21.36]It aint much, but its home. 这没什么,但始终是个家 [04:34.84]Ladies and gent...

  • [罗马假日] 《罗马假日》电影台词(34) 日期:2017-01-11 12:55:56 点击:118 好评:0

    [02:17.96]How about a blow-up from a negative that size? 这种菲林竟能拍得好照片! [02:25.64]- Her first cigarette! - Yeah. 首次吸烟! 对 [02:27.60]The Mouth of Truth. 真实之口 [02:31.60]I had a caption3 in mind: Barber...

  • [罗马假日] 《罗马假日》电影台词(33) 日期:2017-01-11 12:55:34 点击:219 好评:0

    [00:32.84]Or else keep quiet till were finished talking. 或是在我们谈完公事前保持安静 [00:35.96]What kind of routine1 is that? 你们究竟在搞什么鬼? [00:40.04]- A guy we met. - What is there to look at? 普通朋友 这...

  • [罗马假日] 《罗马假日》电影台词(32) 日期:2017-01-11 12:54:21 点击:128 好评:0

    [02:18.76]you have my permission to withdraw. 现在你们可以退下了 [02:37.96]No milk and crackers2. 不吃饼干和喝牛奶 [02:46.40]That will be all thank you, Countess. 你可以回去休息了,女伯爵 [03:50.12]- Did you rea...

  • [罗马假日] 《罗马假日》电影台词(31) 日期:2017-01-11 12:53:53 点击:91 好评:0

    [01:51.44]No, please. 别说 [01:56.12]Nothing. 什么都别说 [02:11.72]I must go and get dressed. 我要去更衣了 [02:52.64]Stop at the next corner, please. 在下个街口停车 [02:54.04]OK. 好的 [03:13.72]- Here? - Yes. 这里?...

  • [罗马假日] 《罗马假日》电影台词(30) 日期:2017-01-11 12:51:47 点击:95 好评:0

    [03:56.08]- Everything ruined? - No. Theyll be dry in a minute. 衣服破了? 晾干了就没事 [04:05.12]Suits you. You should always wear my clothes. 很合身,你该多穿我的衣服 [04:08.80]Seems I do. 没错 [04:16.40]I thought...

  • [罗马假日] 《罗马假日》电影台词(29) 日期:2017-01-11 12:51:14 点击:246 好评:0

    [01:19.84]Me too. 幸会 [01:23.40]Oh, may I enjoy myself the pleasure? 赏脸跟我跳舞吗? [01:26.56]- You mind? - Go right ahead3. 你不介意吧? 随便 [01:30.16]I thank you. 谢谢 [01:52.84]- Did I miss anything? - Youre just...

  • [罗马假日] 《罗马假日》电影台词(28) 日期:2017-01-11 12:49:38 点击:88 好评:0

    [02:37.76]Anything you wish. 如你所愿 [02:39.12]At midnight Ill turn into a pumpkin4 and drive away in my glass slipper5. 午夜会有南瓜车接这灰姑娘走 [02:46.52]Thatll be the end of the fairytale. 那是童话故事的结局...

  • [罗马假日] 《罗马假日》电影台词(27) 日期:2017-01-11 12:47:03 点击:123 好评:0

    [00:09.16]Lets see you do it. 你试试看 [00:13.44]Sure. 好的 [00:34.88]- You beast, youre all right! - Im sorry. It was just a joke. 你真可恶 对不起,说笑而已 [00:42.76]- You never hurt your hand. - Im sorry. 你根本没受伤...
