


时间:2017-01-11 12:32来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:45.40]Dont worry, Doctor, Ill be calm and relaxed. 放心,医生,我会冷静轻松 [00:48.80]Ill bow and Ill smile, 我会鞠躬、微笑 [00:50.76]Ill improve trade relations and Ill... 我会改善贸易关系,我会 [00:54.04]
  •   [00:45.40]Don't worry, Doctor, I'll be calm and relaxed. 放心,医生,我会冷静轻松
      [00:48.80]I'll bow and I'll smile, 我会鞠躬、微笑
      [00:50.76]I'll improve trade relations and I'll... 我会改善贸易关系,我会…
      [00:54.04]There she goes again. Give her something, please. 她又是这样子,快想法子
      [00:56.36]Uncover her arm, please. 麻烦你拉起她的衣袖
      [01:02.40]- What's that? - Sleep and calm. 那是什么?  安眠和镇静剂
      [01:06.80]This will relax you and make you feel a little happy. 这会令你放轻松和开怀一点
      [01:10.28]It's a new drug, quite harmless4. 是一种新药,无害的
      [01:16.04]There. 行了
      [01:17.10]I don't feel any different. 我不觉得有分别
      [01:21.48]You will. It may take a little time to take hold. 待会药力就见效了
      [01:24.40]Just now, lie back. 现在快休息一下
      [01:29.16]- Can I keep just one light on? - Of course. 只开一盏灯行吗?  当然可以
      [01:33.84]The best thing I know is to do exactly what you wish for a while. 现在最重要的是让你随心所欲
      [01:39.72]Thank you, Doctor. 谢谢,医生
      [01:41.96]Oh, the General! Doctor, quick. 上将!医生快来看看
      [01:49.10]I'm perfectly all right. 我没事
      [01:52.92]Goodnight, ma'am. 晚安,公主
      [01:57.28]- Goodnight, ma'am. - Goodnight, Doctor. 晚安,公主  晚安,医生
      [01:53.40]- Bet five hundred. - Five hundred. How many? 赌五百  我跟,多少张牌?
      [01:56.40]One. 一张
      [02:02.56]- I'll take one. - Three. 我要一张  三张
      [02:05.44]Four. 四张
      [02:11.68]Two for Papa. 庄家要两张
      [02:15.36]- 500 more. - Without looking. 再下注五百  我照跟
      [02:19.88]500, and I'll raise you 1,000. 我跟,还大你一千
      [02:30.20]- Two pairs. - I've got three shy little sevens. 两对牌  我有三张七点
      [02:34.88]A nervous straight. Come home, you fools. 同花顺,我赢光你们的

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      罗马假日      

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