


时间:2017-01-11 12:37来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:26.28]- Understand? - Thank you. 明白吗? 谢谢 [02:27.20]And you sleep on the couch. Not on the bed, on the couch. Is that clear? 你要睡在沙发上,不是床上 [02:33.96]- Do you know my favourite poem? - Youve already reci
  •   [02:26.28]- Understand? - Thank you. 明白吗?  谢谢
      [02:27.20]And you sleep on the couch. Not on the bed, on the couch. Is that clear? 你要睡在沙发上,不是床上
      [02:33.96]- Do you know my favourite poem? - You've already recited it. 可知道我最喜欢哪首诗?
      [02:36.76]"Arethusa arose From her couch of snows" 你念过了
      [02:42.64]"In the Acroceraunian Mountains." “皑皑白雪里升起”
      [02:45.88]- Keats. - Shelley. 济慈  雪莱
      [02:48.56]Keep your mind off the poetry and on the pyjamas. 别再吟诗了,快换上睡衣
      [02:52.44]Shelley. I'll be back in about ten minutes. 雪莱,我十分钟后回来
      [02:52.64]- You'll be fine. - Keats. 你会没事的  济慈
      [02:56.80]Keats. 是济慈
      [03:06.08]You have my permission to withdraw. 你可以退下了
      [03:11.32]Thank you very much. 谢谢
      [03:19.32]- Well? - No trace. 怎样?  没发现
      [03:20.68]- Did you search the grounds? - Attics3 to cellar. 整个地方搜过了?  遍寻不获
      [03:25.68]You must swear not to speak of this to anyone. 你得发誓保守这秘密
      [03:27.92]I must remind you that the princess is the direct heir to the throne. 你别忘记公主是王室继承人
      [03:33.52]This must be classified as top crisis secret. Have I your pledge? 这事故列为一级机密,明白吗?
      [03:37.08]- Yes, sir. - Very well. 明白,长官  很好
      [03:42.04]Now we must notify Their Majesties4. 现在我们要知会国王、王后
      [00:05.56]- So happy. - The pleasure's mine. 真开心  是我的荣幸
      [00:15.28]Screwball! 臭丫头!
      [01:02.00]Holy smoke, the princess's interview! 糟了!公主的记者会!
      [01:05.32]Eleven forty-five! 11点45分
      [01:08.76]Oh, sh! 糟了!
      [01:53.72]Hi, Joe. 你好,阿祖
      [01:56.72]- Morning, Joe. - Hello, honey. 早安,阿祖  你好
      [02:01.24]Mr Hennessy has been looking for you. 老韩一直问你去了哪里

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      罗马假日      

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