


时间:2017-01-11 12:37来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:07.44]Uh-oh. 糟了 [02:09.72]Thanks a lot, hon. 谢谢,甜心 [02:14.48]Come in. 进来 [02:22.32]- Looking for me? - Just coming to work? 找我吗? 刚回来上班? [02:24.80]- Who, me? - We start at 8.30 in this office. 我?
  •   [02:07.44]Uh-oh. 糟了
      [02:09.72]Thanks a lot, hon. 谢谢,甜心
      [02:14.48]Come in. 进来
      [02:22.32]- Looking for me? - Just coming to work? 找我吗?  刚回来上班?
      [02:24.80]- Who, me? - We start at 8.30 in this office. 我?  报馆八点半开工
      [02:28.52]- We pick up our assignments... - I got mine last night. 我们要采访…  昨晚完成采访
      [02:31.36]- What assignment was that? - The princess, 11.45. 哪宗新闻?  公主记者会
      [02:38.56]You've already been to the interview? 你已出席过记者会?
      [02:40.64]Sure, I just got back. 当然,我刚回来
      [02:44.20]- Well, well. All my apologies. - It's all right. 那我怪错你了  不打紧
      [02:47.96]- Interesting. - No, just routine1. 真有趣  不,一般采访
      [02:50.24]Did she answer all the questions on the list? 她答了你所有的问题?
      [02:54.24]Of course. I've got 'em right here somewhere. 当然了,答案就在这里
      [02:57.72]Don't disturb yourself, I have a copy here. 不用麻烦你了,我有一份副本
      [03:01.68]How did Her Highness react to the idea of a European Federation2? 公主对欧洲联盟有何看法?
      [03:05.36]- She thought it was just fine. - She did? 她觉得这挺不错  是吗?
      [03:11.32]- She thought there'd be two effects. - Two? 她说有两种影响  两种?
      [03:13.40]- The direct and the indirect3. - Remarkable4. 直接和间接的  真好
      [03:19.68]Naturally, she thought that the indirect would not be as direct as the direct. 当然她认为间接影响没那么直接
      [03:25.64]- That is, not right away. - No. 不是即时的影响  对
      [03:29.36]Later on, of course, nobody knows. 日后的事,天晓得?
      [03:31.60]Well, well. 这样嘛…
      [03:34.80]That was a shrewd5 observation. 好精辟的见解
      [03:36.88]They fool you, these royal kids. They're smarter than we suspect. 这些王室后裔远比我们想的聪明

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      罗马假日      

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