


时间:2017-01-11 12:38来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:42.68]How did she feel about the future friendship of nations? 她怎么看各国未来的邦交呢? [03:48.20]Youth. She felt that the youth of the world 青年人,她认为他们是主人翁 [03:54.28]must lead the way to a better
  •   [03:42.68]How did she feel about the future friendship of nations? 她怎么看各国未来的邦交呢?
      [03:48.20]Youth. She felt that the youth of the world 青年人,她认为他们是主人翁
      [03:54.28]must lead the way to a better world. 带领世界迈向更美好的将来
      [03:58.16]Original. 真有见地
      [04:02.84]By the way, what was she wearing? 那她穿了什么衣服?
      [04:07.92]- You mean what did she have on? - That's usually what it means. 穿了什么?  就是这个意思
      [04:12.16]- Is it too warm for you? - No, I just hurried over here. 你觉得太热吗  不,我刚跑来
      [04:14.28]Naturally, with a story of these dimensions6. 当然了,这是重大的新闻
      [04:16.64]- Did you say she was wearing grey? - No, I didn't. 你说她穿灰裙?  我没说过
      [04:20.00]- She usually wears grey. - Well, it was a kind of a grey. 她常穿灰色衣裳  该是灰色的
      [04:25.80]I think I know the dress, it has a gold collar... 我记得那条裙,金色领子…
      [04:29.36]That's the one. I didn't know exactly how to describe it. 对了,我就是不会形容这条裙
      [04:34.48]I think you described it very well, 你倒形容得很仔细
      [04:38.24]in view of the fact that she was taken violently ill at 3 a.m., 可是公主在凌晨三点发高烧
      [04:40.72]put to bed with a high fever, 患上急病
      [04:43.56]and has had all her appointments for today cancelled in toto! 她今天的活动都全部取消!
      [04:48.96]- In toto? - Yes, Mr Bradley, in toto. 真的?  当然是真的!
      [04:57.12]- That's pretty hard to swallow. - In view of the fact you just left her. 这真难以置信  你还刚离开她
      [00:02.56]Here it is, Mr Bradley, all over the front page of every paper in Rome. 你看!罗马每份报纸的头条
      [00:07.36]All right, I overslept. It can happen to anybody. 我睡过头,人谁无过?
      [00:10.92]If you ever got up and read a morning paper, 若你起床后有看早报
      [00:12.04]you might discover little news events, little items of general interest, 就会发现这些大众关注的小新闻
      [00:17.28]that might stop you getting immersed in such a gold-plated, 而不会跟我扯这种荒天下之大谬
      [00:21.28]triple-decked, star-spangled lie as you have just told me. 令人笑掉大牙的谎话!
      [00:24.52]If I were you I'd try some other business, like mattress1 testing! 你该考虑转行做床褥测试员
      [00:27.72]- Is this the princess? - Yes, Mr Bradley. 这就是公主?  没错
      [00:30.00]It isn't Annie Oakley, Dorothy Lamour or Madame Chiang Kai-Shek. 不是奥莉、娜摩或蒋介石夫人

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