


时间:2017-01-11 12:35来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:15.28]Look, for me it is very late night. 现在已经夜深了 [02:17.68]My wife... I have three bambino, you know bambino? 我老婆我有三个孩子,懂吗? [02:26.72]My taxi go home, we go home together. 我要开车回家了 [
  •   [02:15.28]Look, for me it is very late night. 现在已经夜深了
      [02:17.68]My wife... I have three bambino, you know bambino? 我老婆…我有三个孩子,懂吗?
      [02:26.72]My taxi go home, we go home together. 我要开车回家了
      [02:29.40]Via3 Margutta 51. 马古达街51号
      [02:31.96]Via Margutta 51! 马古达街51号
      [02:49.20]Here is Via Margutta 51. I am very happy. 马古达街51号,我很开心
      [02:55.24]A thousand lire. Mila lire, 一千里拉
      [03:07.08]One, two, three, four mila, 一、二、三、四千里拉
      [03:11.72]- OK. - For me? 好吧  给我的?
      [03:16.88]OK. Now, look, take a little bit of that. 我已多付了一点钱
      [03:22.68]Take her wherever she wants to go. 送她想去的地方
      [03:29.04]Goodnight. 晚安
      [03:34.60]Oh! No, no. Momento, 不行!等一下
      [03:38.40]All right. Look, when she wakes up, she'll tell you where to go. 待她醒来就会说她要去哪里
      [03:42.84]Momento, My taxi is not for sleep. 等一下,我的车不是旅店
      [03:47.92]You understand? 你明白吗?
      [03:50.04]Look, pal4, this is not my problem. 朋友,这不是我的问题
      [03:53.72]I never see her before. OK. 我根本不认识她
      [03:56.08]Is not your problem, is not my problem. 不是你的问题,也不是我的
      [03:58.48]What you want? You don't want girl, me don't want girl. 你不想要这女孩,我也不想
      [04:04.40]Police. Maybe she want girl! 警察,交给她就行!
      [04:08.40]Stay calm, stay calm. OK. 别胡来,拜托
      [04:53.04]So happy. 真开心
      [04:53.64]So happy. 真开心

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      罗马假日      

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