


时间:2017-08-24 12:16来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:01.80]Because youre starting to freak me out. 老子我被你搞毛了了哦 [00:03.72]Settle down and eat your pancakes. 别激动,吃你的早餐吧 [00:12.52]I think shes a local girl I wanted to go up to her... 我想她是在地人
  • [00:01.80]Because you're starting to freak me out. 老子我被你搞毛了了哦
    [00:03.72]Settle down and eat your pancakes. 别激动,吃你的早餐吧
    [00:12.52]I think she's a local girl I wanted to go up to her... 我想她是在地人 我想去跟她搭讪...
    [00:15.24]...but I was kind of off my game. But, man, was she cute, though. 但我不敢 不过,她超可爱的
    [00:19.88]Yeah, that's usually my policy. Make sure I don't get tied down. 对,我一向如此 免得被人绑住
    [00:23.64]Freeze that image right there. 别动
    [00:28.28]There's the little fella. Congratulations, Mommy. 小家伙在这 恭喜你,妈咪
    [00:32.84]Sounds to me like someone is afraid of commitment. 看来有人怕承诺
    [00:35.48]Let me guess. 我猜猜看
    [00:36.40]Your high school sweetheart got drunk at party... 你高中的马子去轰趴...
    [00:40.96]...then cheated on you with whole wrestling team. 结果喝醉跟同学大搞性派对
    [00:42.16]Close. Actually, it was my college girlfriend Tracy. 差不多了,不过是大学的马子
    [00:46.64]And it wasn't a wrestling team. It was her academic advisor1. 也不是跟同学搞,是跟老师搞
    [00:50.44]- Oh, she liked the older man. - Older women. About 50 years older. -她喜欢老男人 -是老女人,大她50岁
    [00:55.28]I hope you shot the stupid tramp. 你有海扁那只老母狗吧?
    [00:55.60]What's with the "tramp" and the "bitches" talk? 怎么说话这么粗?
    [00:59.76]- Are you drunk or something? - I apologize for nasty talk. -你喝醉了? -对不起
    [01:02.84]I am grouchy2 due to lack of recent physical intimacy3. 最近没啥搞头,我有点抓狂
    [01:07.12]Shut up, because here comes one-time-only opportunity. 闭嘴,千载难逢的机会来了
    [01:09.28]What I will do now is go into your office and become naked. 我要进你办公室,脱个精光
    [01:15.44]Next move is up to you. 接下来就看你的了
    [01:20.12]I may not be as limber as I once was... 我也许没以前那么柔软了...

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