


时间:2017-08-24 12:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:36.04]Here you go. Bite the fish, chew the fish, love the fish. Enjoy. 没错,小威 要大口吃鱼也要爱鱼 [04:40.92]- You crack me up, kamaaina. - Oh, yeah? -你真爱搞笑,大情圣 -是吗? [04:43.80]- One of these days..
  • [04:36.04]Here you go. Bite the fish, chew the fish, love the fish. Enjoy. 没错,小威 要大口吃鱼也要爱鱼
    [04:40.92]- You crack me up, kamaaina. - Oh, yeah? -你真爱搞笑,大情圣 -是吗?
    [04:43.80]- One of these days... - Yeah? -总有一天... -干嘛?
    [04:44.08]...you'll show one of those tourists such a good time... 你会让来渡假的美女难以忘怀...
    [04:49.96]...she'll wanna stay on the island. 她就会想留在这岛上
    [04:51.24]...and why is your foot on my pillow? 还把你的脏脚踏在我枕头上
    [04:51.80]Why do you say mean things like that... 你干嘛说这么恐怖的话?
    [04:56.92]I don't want your ass6 on it, either. Get up! Get up! 屁股也不行,起来!
    [04:58.12]It could happen. 这很有可能
    [00:02.32]Then you won't be able to go on your boat trip to Alaska. 然后你就不能驾船去阿拉斯加了
    [00:04.36]You'll be stuck here, waking up next to the same old, ugly broad, just like Ula. 你会被卡在这里 跟我一样娶个老母猪
    [00:13.80]- Just kidding, guys. - About the old part or the ugly part? -开玩笑的啦 -你是说老还是母猪的部份?
    [00:21.60]Henry, come quickly! It's Jocko! 医生,快来,肥仔病了!
    [00:31.84]Jocko! What's going on with you, buddy1? 肥仔,你怎么了?
    [00:34.60]Don't be scared. Everything's gonna be fine. 别怕,不会有事的
    [00:37.72]Just stay calm. All right. 冷静点
    [00:38.88]Willie, I don't need you to see this. Get out of here, now! 小威,别看,快出去!
    [00:43.96]Okay, check the temperature of the pool Go! Hurry! 检查一下池子的温度,快去!
    [00:48.60]What are you doing? I meant check the thermometer! 你耍宝啊?去看温度计!
    [00:50.52]Give me a hand. Let's go! 帮我忙,快点!
    [00:53.48]Get me two fish from the barrel Now. 帮我拿两条鱼过来
    [00:54.20]- Okay. - Just hang in there. -好 -忍着点
    [00:57.20]- Here. - It 's gonna be all right. -来了 -不会有事的
    [00:59.64]That's a little warm. Go to the bottom of the barrel, please. 太温了,拿桶底的鱼
    [01:10.08]Okay, there. That's good. Thank you. 很好,谢谢
    [01:10.56]Come on, buddy, take it. Take it. 来啊,吃下去
    [01:12.16]- He's not responding! - I know, Alexa! -他没反应 -我知道啦

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