


时间:2017-08-24 12:14来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:57.24]Harry Paratesticles. 硬汉亨利 [01:59.20]- Henry Roth. - Henry Roth. -罗亨利 -罗亨利 [02:02.16]- Henry Roth. - Henry Roth. -罗亨利 -罗亨利 [02:02.60]Henry Roth, why didnt you tell me you were a secret agent? 亨利,为
  • [01:57.24]Harry Paratesticles. 硬汉亨利
    [01:59.20]- Henry Roth. - Henry Roth. -罗亨利 -罗亨利
    [02:02.16]- Henry Roth. - Henry Roth. -罗亨利 -罗亨利
    [02:02.60]Henry Roth, why didn't you tell me you were a secret agent? 亨利,为何不早说你是密探?
    [02:07.24]I prefer intelligence operative, and I couldn't tell you until I knew you. “情报员”比较好听 我不能随便跟你透露
    [02:11.60]Well, can I call you when I land? 我回去能打电话给你吗?
    [02:14.12]You can call me, but I' II be in Peru. I said that a little loud. 行,但到时我已经在秘鲁了 我太大声了
    [02:17.08]Come on, that's a 187, code blue. We got the wolf sleeping at night. 总部,状况 野狼骑走,整夜狂飙
    [02:21.64]He's slipping his arm in the drawer and out comes the cookie jar. All clear. 他从山林来越过原野 跨过小溪向前行,完毕
    [02:27.60]Got it? 明白?
    [02:29.84]Well, maybe when you get back from Peru. 也许等你从秘鲁回来再打
    [02:32.72]- I don't think that's an option, Lisa. - Linda. -我想那是不可能的,莉莎 -是琳达
    [02:36.56]I know. I changed your name for your protection. 我知道,我这是为了保护你
    [02:40.64]We have to go our separate ways now. 我们得分手了
    [02:43.64]Well, goodbye. 再见了
    [02:45.32]Got it! Moving out! 收到,马上来
    [02:50.28]- What the hell is your problem? - Just keep going, I' II give you $20. -你搞什么啊? -继续骑,我给你二十块钱
    [02:54.68]- You got it. How's your balls? - Killing4 me. Hit it. -没问题,你的蛋没破吧? -我痛毙了,全速前进
    [03:14.92]Easy, Honah Lee. 轻一点,大法师
    [03:16.92]Hey, I' m a person, not a seal 我是人,不是海豹

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