


时间:2017-08-22 12:28来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:25.76]Bumblebee, stop lubricating the man. 大黄蜂,停止弄湿那家伙 [02:28.92]Get that thing to stop, huh? 叫他住手,好吗? [02:30.52]- All right, tough guy, take it off. - What are you talking about? 狠角色,脱掉 你
  • [02:25.76]Bumblebee, stop lubricating the man. 大黄蜂,停止弄湿那家伙
    [02:28.92]Get that thing to stop, huh? 叫他住手,好吗?
    [02:30.52]- All right, tough guy, take it off. - What are you talking about? 狠角色,脱掉 你在说什么?
    [02:35.12]- Your clothes, all of it, off. - For what? 把你的衣服全脱掉 为什么?
    [02:38.88]For threatening my dad. 因为你威胁我爸
    [02:43.48]Little lady, this is the beginning of the end of your life. 小妞,我会让你吃不了兜着走
    [02:50.20]You're a criminal. 你是个罪犯
    [02:53.52]Let's face facts. It's in your gene7 pool. 承认吧,你天生就是坏胚子
    [02:58.64]Those are nice. Now get behind the pole. 好可爱的内裤,站在电线杆后面
    [03:00.76]All right. This is such a felony, what you're doing. 这可是联邦重刑
    [03:07.32]- I will hunt you down, okay? - He'll hunt you down. 我会追捕你们 他一定会
    [03:09.48]- Without any remorse8! - No remorse. 绝对不心软 不心软
    [03:09.52]- Enjoy. - Okay? 了吗?
    [03:12.00]- We have got to alert everyone. - They already know. Speaker. 我们得警告其他人 他们知道了,我开了手机
    [03:22.92]Optimus! Incoming! 擎天柱,敌人来袭
    [03:31.48]Roll out. 出发
    [03:40.04]Okay, I'm picking up rad readings under that bridge right down there. 桥底有很高的辐射线指数
    [03:46.88]Okay, I'm getting really good rad readings. Forty-two and higher. 我侦测到强烈讯号
    [03:51.88]Up you get. 上来吧
    [03:55.04]Okay, we're dropping in. 我们要低飞
    [04:01.08]Really strong readings right down below us. There he is. 下面有很强的讯号
    [04:05.88]Ship one and two, come on in. 一、二号,回答
    [04:09.84]That's it, right there. Mark him, mark him. 那里,瞄准
    [04:11.80]Okay, there he is. 11:30. 11:30. Right off the nose. 它在那里,就在前面
    [04:15.00]I got it. 12:00. 看到了,12点钟方向
    [04:19.56]Okay, I'm tracking him. I've got him. 瞄准它了

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