


时间:2017-08-22 12:26来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:20.32]That is your eBay username, right? 你的拍卖网页代号,对吧? [03:22.44]Yeah, but, you know, it was a typo and I ran with it. 没错,不过是我打错了 我就将错就错 [03:26.20]What do you make of this? 这又算什
  • [03:20.32]That is your eBay username, right? 你的拍卖网页代号,对吧?
    [03:22.44]Yeah, but, you know, it was a typo and I ran with it. 没错,不过是我打错了 我就将错就错
    [03:26.20]What do you make of this? 这又算什么?
    [03:27.48]My name is Sam Witwicky, okay? And my... 我叫魏山姆,我的车子...
    [03:29.16]Is that you? 那是你吗?
    [03:31.08]Yeah, that sounds like LadiesMan. 听起来的确像是猛男
    [03:34.28]Last night at the station, you told the officer your car transformed. 昨晚你跟警察说你的车子变形
    [03:38.00]- Enlighten me. - Well, here's what I said, okay? 请你解释 我不是那么说的
    [03:41.72]'Cause this is a total misunderstanding that my car had been stolen... 我的车子被偷是个误会
    [03:45.00]- Really? ...from me, from my home, 真的吗? 它从我家消失
    [03:47.96]but it's fine now because it's back! It came back! 不过现在它又回来了
    [03:51.24]- Well, not by itself. - Well, no. 它不是自己回来的 不是
    [03:52.56]Because cars don't do that because that would be crazy. 车子不会自己回来
    [04:00.88]That's funny. That is so funny. 太扯了吧!
    [04:01.68]So what do you kids know about aliens, huh? 你们知道外星人吗?
    [04:04.36]Oh, you mean, like a Martian? Like what, E. T? No. 你是说火星人?或是ET?
    [04:09.84]- It's an urban legend. - Yeah. 那只是谣传 对
    [04:10.24]You see this? 看到吗?
    [04:12.20]This is an l-can-do-whatever-l-want and-get-away-with-it badge. 这是我的“为所欲为”警徽
    [04:14.00]- Right. - I'm gonna lock you up forever. 是哦 我要让你坐一辈子的牢
    [04:16.48]Oh, God. You know what? Don't listen to him. 别听他胡说
    [04:18.80]He's just pissy 'cause he's got to get back to guarding the mall. 他只是不想回去当百货公司警卫

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      变形金刚      

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