


时间:2017-08-22 12:26来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:02.72]Im carrying a loaded weapon. 我有佩带手枪 [02:05.20]or I am gonna beat the crap out of them! 不然我要痛扁他们 [02:05.28]Are you experiencing any flu-like symptoms? Aching joints 6 ? Fever? 你有没有感冒的症状?
  • [02:02.72]I'm carrying a loaded weapon. 我有佩带手枪
    [02:05.20]or I am gonna beat the crap out of them! 不然我要痛扁他们
    [02:05.28]Are you experiencing any flu-like symptoms? Aching joints6? Fever? 你有没有感冒的症状?发烧流鼻水?
    [02:08.84]- No! - What is this? 没有 怎么回事?
    [02:11.52]How you doing, son? Is your name Sam? 小子,你好吗?你是山姆吗?
    [02:13.84]- Yeah. - Well, I need you to come with us. 对 你得跟我们走
    [02:16.48]Sir, I am asking politely. Back off. 先生!我很客气地请你,让开
    [02:17.12]Whoa, way out of line. 想都别想
    [02:22.36]You gonna try to get rough with us? 你要跟我们来硬的吗?
    [02:25.08]No, but I'm gonna call the cops 不,不过我要报警
    [02:26.88]because there's something fishy7 going on around here. 你们这群人非常可疑
    [02:27.12]Yeah. There's something a little fishy about you, your son, 你、你儿子、你的小狗狗
    [02:32.32]your little Taco Bell dog and this whole operation you got going on here. 和这整个行动都很可疑
    [02:36.60]- What operation? - That is what we are gonna find out. 什么行动? 我们要查出来
    [02:36.96]I think direct contact. 他们应该有过直接接触
    [02:44.96]- Son? - Yeah. 小子? 干嘛

    [02:49.52]- Step forward, please. - Just stand? 请你向前走 你要我站着?
    [02:57.20]Fourteen rads. 辐射量14度
    [03:00.48]Bingo! Tag them and bag them! 中奖了,把他们带走
    [03:03.32]If you hurt my dog, I'll kick your ass2! 你敢伤害我的狗,我就扁你
    [03:05.32]Get me a sample on that vegetation ASAP! 马上采取植物样本
    [03:06.52]Sam! Do not say anything, Sam! 山姆,什么都别说!
    [03:07.08]- Yeah. - Not a word until we get a lawyer! 我们要先找律师!
    [03:13.60]So, 你是...
    [03:15.04]LadiesMan217. 猛男217

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