


时间:2017-08-14 12:20来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:21.48]- She laughed? - Her first one, yeah. 她会笑了? 她第一次笑 [00:26.28]You sure she didnt just fart? 你确定她不是放屁吗? [00:29.44]No, shes a lady. 不是啦,她是个小淑女 [00:31.04]She doesnt know you ye
  • [00:21.48]- She laughed? - Her first one, yeah. 她会笑了? 她第一次笑
    [00:26.28]You sure she didn't just fart? 你确定她不是放屁吗?
    [00:29.44]No, she's a lady. 不是啦,她是个小淑女
    [00:31.04]She doesn't know you yet, but she will. 她还不认得你,不过一定会
    [00:33.80]4500 X. Something's not right. 4500X...事情不对劲...
    [00:42.84]Bogie's on the deck. 目标刚降落在机坪上
    [00:45.48]Whoa, whoa, whoa. Radar's jammed. 雷达遭到干扰!
    [00:47.56]It's coming from the chopper. 干扰讯号是来自直升机!
    [00:50.64]- Will? - Sarah? 威尔? 莎拉?
    [00:54.12]Hey, Sarah, if you can hear me, I love you and I'll be home soon. 我爱你,很快就会回家
    [00:55.76]Hey, Sarah, if you can hear me, I love you and I'll be home soon. 我爱你,很快就会回家
    [01:00.88]- To the right. Go to the right. - Check fire. - 到右边去,到右边去  - 检查弹药
    [01:05.64]MH-53 pilot, power down now. MH53直升机驾驶,关掉引擎
    [01:13.08]Have your crew step out or we will kill you. 机组员下来,不然就杀死你们
    [01:26.12]Hold your fire! Stand by to engage! 先别开火!备战!
    [01:35.88]My God. 我的老天
    [01:53.04]They bombed the antenna1 farm! We're under attack! 天线塔台被炸掉,我们遭到攻击!
    [02:23.04]Go! Move! Move! 快走!快上!快上!
    [02:33.12]It's going after the files! 它想要窃取电脑档案!
    [02:34.32]Cut the hard lines! 切断主缆线!
    [02:37.20]I need a key! It's locked! 锁住了,需要钥匙!
    [02:40.44]Move! Move! 让开!让开!
    [02:47.32]Here, come here! Come here! 到这边!到这边!

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