[00:43.00]Sir, we need... I need a telephone. 先生,我需要打电话
[00:46.36]- Telephone, telephone, yes! - Telephone! 电话,没错
[00:47.24]Hey, I need a mag! Give me a mag! 嘿,我给我把机枪!
[00:48.04]- Cell phone! - I don't know how to thank you. 手机 谢谢你
[00:50.52]Fire! 开火!
[00:53.32]This is an emergency Pentagon call! I need you to... Do you understand? It's an emergency Pentagon... 这是打给五角大厦的紧急电话
[01:00.48]I don't have a credit card! 我没有信用卡!
[01:01.88]Sir, the attitude is not going to speed things up any bit at all. 这种态度对你一点帮助都没有
[01:05.24]I'm going to ask you to speak into the mouthpiece very clearly. 请你清楚地对着话筒说话
[01:10.44]I'm in the middle of a war! This is frigging ridiculous! 我正在打仗!太离谱了!
[01:15.00]Ammo! 弹药!
[01:16.36]I need a credit card! 我要一张信用卡
[01:21.04]- Epps! Where's your wallet? - Pocket! 艾普,你的皮夹呢? 在口袋里!
[01:25.80]- Which pocket? - My back pocket! 那一个口袋? 裤背口袋
[01:28.00]- You got 10 back pockets! - Left cheek! Left cheek! Left cheek! 你后面有十个口袋! 左边屁股那一个!左边屁股!
[01:33.16]All right, keep shooting! Keep shooting! 继续开枪!
[01:33.24]Okay, it's Visa. 这是威士卡
[01:36.16]Also, sir, have you heard about 你想申请
[01:38.64]our premium2 plus world-service gold package? 全球长途电话优惠吗?
[01:41.44]No, I don't want a premium package! Epps! Pentagon! 我才不要什么优惠!
[01:47.00]Give me a status. 有什么状况?
[01:50.56]Sir, we're tracking a Special Ops team under fire in Qatar. 卡达的特种部队小组在作战