


时间:2017-08-18 12:04来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:03.36]I was just sitting at home watching cartoons, 我只是坐在家里看卡通 [02:04.32]playing video games with my cousin, and she came in there. 和我表弟打电玩游戏 然后她就跑进来 [02:06.04]- And then... - Glen, you
  • [02:03.36]I was just sitting at home watching cartoons, 我只是坐在家里看卡通
    [02:04.32]playing video games with my cousin, and she came in there. 和我表弟打电玩游戏 然后她就跑进来
    [02:06.04]- And then... - Glen, you freak. 葛伦,你这个白痴!
    [02:08.32]I have done nothing bad my entire life! Hey, man, I'm still a virgin8. 我这辈子没有干过坏事 我还是处男耶
    [02:08.64]Hey! I am not going to jail for you or anybody else! 我才不要因为你坐牢
    [02:15.56]Okay, so what? 好吧,我承认
    [02:16.64]Who hasn't? Who hasn't? 不过谁没有呢?
    [02:16.84]I've downloaded a couple of thousand songs off the Internet. 我非法下载了几千首歌
    [02:19.12]No, you shut up! Don't talk to me! Don't talk to me, criminal! 你才闭嘴,别跟我说话,你这个坏蛋
    [02:20.84]- I promise! - Glen, shut up! 葛伦,闭嘴
    [02:25.68]- Oh, sugar rush. - This is... This is not his fault. 噢...血糖太高了 这不是他的错
    [02:28.48]See? So can I go home now? 瞧,我可以回家了吗?
    [02:31.56]- Oh, okay. I won't. - But just listen to me. 听我说
    [02:32.64]Okay, whoever hacked9 into your military system downloaded a file, all right? 侵入军事电脑的人下载了档案
    [02:35.84]It was something about someone named Witwicky 和一个叫魏瓦奇的人有关
    [02:39.60]and some government group, right? Named Sector10 Seven. 还有一个政府单位叫做第七区
    [02:42.40]You have to let me talk to Defense11 Secretary Keller 我得先和国防部长凯勒说话
    [02:43.72]before you go to war with the wrong country! 以免你们跟错的国家打起来
    [02:47.36]Whatever fell out of the sky ended up right behind... 不管天下掉了什么下来...
    [02:50.08]- What did he say? - What? 他说什么? 什么?
    [02:50.24]- Did he hear it, too? - Yeah, Jack12 heard it, too. Yeah. 他也听到了吗? 对,杰克听到了

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