


时间:2017-08-14 12:33来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:31.68]which is what they tried to do in Qatar, only this time it worked. 它们在卡达试过,而这次成功了 [01:33.24]- What did they get? - We still dont know. 它们拿到什么? 还不知道 [01:37.16]- Talk to me about the
  • [01:31.68]which is what they tried to do in Qatar, only this time it worked. 它们在卡达试过,而这次成功了
    [01:33.24]- What did they get? - We still don't know. 它们拿到什么? 还不知道
    [01:37.16]- Talk to me about the virus. - It's a Spider-bot virus. 到底是什么电脑病毒? 蜘蛛机器人病毒
    [01:38.12]We're not sure what it's going to do, but it may cripple the system. 不知道它会做什么 不过可能瘫痪电脑系统
    [01:43.04]- Can we stop it? - Every time we try an antivirus, 不能阻止它吗? 每次试用防毒软件
    [01:45.48]it adapts and speeds up. It's like it's not a virus anymore. 它都能适应,进行破坏
    [01:46.32]It's become the system. 就像是进化成为电脑系统
    [01:49.36]Obviously the first phase of a major attack against the US. 这可是攻击美国的第一阶段攻势
    [01:52.76]The only countries with this kind of capability5 拥有这种能力的国家只有
    [01:53.56]are Russia, North Korea, maybe China. 俄国、北韩,也许中国
    [01:54.16]- I'm sorry, that's not correct. - Excuse me, young lady. 抱歉,那并不正确 小姐
    [01:57.32]I didn't see you standing6 there. You would be who? 我没看到你,你是谁?
    [02:00.68]I'm just the analyst7 who detected the hack8. 我只是侦测到病毒的分析师
    [02:02.40]Hold on. It was you? You did it? 等一下,是你?你发现的吗?
    [02:07.40]- Her team. - Sir, I was just trying to say, 她的小组 长官,我只想说
    [02:09.88]they hacked9 your firewall in 10 seconds. 它在十秒内侵入我们的防火墙
    [02:11.84]Okay. Even a supercomputer with a brute10 force attack 就算用超级电脑强力侵入
    [02:13.92]would take 20 years to do that. 也要花20年时间
    [02:15.24]Maybe you can explain, then, how our latest satellite imagery 那么为什么卫星影像显示
    [02:19.52]shows North Korea doubling its naval11 activity. 北韩加倍了海军行动?
    [02:20.28]Maybe it's a precaution, because isn't that what we're doing? 也许只是防御行动 这不是我们也正在做的吗?

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