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时间:2016-10-14 12:30来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:21.54]-The first flight.... -So much for one in a billion. 第一架... 十亿分之一理论不起作用了 [01:26.54]All right. All right, listen up, everybody. Listen up, please. 好 好 听着 大家 请听一下 [01:31.18]Weve got
  •   [01:21.54]-The first flight.... -So much for " one in a billion. " 第一架... "十亿分之一"理论不起作用了
      [01:26.54]All right. All right, listen up, everybody. Listen up, please. 好  好  听着  大家  请听一下
      [01:31.18]We’ve got a lot of work to do, and we don’t have much time... 我们有很多工作要做 我们没有太多的时间...
      [01:35.10]...so let’s get started, please. Vorsteen? ...那么我们现在开始 请  沃斯亭?
      [01:36.78]All our grid4 models are worthless. 我们所有的网格模型都没有用了
      [01:41.42]I don’t think grid models are gonna be a lot of help here. 我认为这次网格模型帮不了我们
      [01:42.62]Canadians report tremendous circulation moving from the Arctic. 加拿大人报告猛烈的旋风正从北极移来
      [01:47.38]In Siberia, there’s a low-pressure system never before seen. 在西伯利亚  一个前所未见的 低气压云团已经形成
      [01:48.86]And Australia just saw the strongest typhoon ever recorded. 澳大利亚遇到了有史以来 最强烈的台风
      [01:52.38]-These things are interconnected? -We have to consider the possibility. 这些现象之间有联系吗? 我们必须考虑这种可能性
      [01:58.46]The only force strong enough to affect global weather is the sun. 唯一有可能影响全球气候的力量 是太阳
      [02:01.10]-What’s NASA have to say? -We’ve already checked. 国家航空航天局有什么看法? 我们已经检查过了
      [02:02.50]Solar output is normal. 太阳一切正常
      [02:07.22]-What about the North Atlantic Current? -What about it? 那么北大西洋暖流呢? 那有什么关系?
      [02:10.06]I got a call last night from Professor Rapson at the Hedland Center. 我昨晚接到了海德兰中心 瑞博森教授的电话
      [02:15.54]He thinks the current has changed. 他认为暖流已经变化了
      [02:22.50]The current depends upon a balance of salt and freshwater. 暖流的形成取决于 淡水与盐份间的微妙平衡

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