


时间:2017-05-08 12:25来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:01.40]Youre in! You in! 你被录取了 你被录取了 [02:13.64]Counsel for the defense 1 will now make her closing statement. 被告辩护律师做最后陈述 [02:19.40]Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client, Mr. Wolf, 陪审团的
  • [02:01.40]You're in! You in! 你被录取了 你被录取了
    [02:13.64]Counsel for the defense1 will now make her closing statement. 被告辩护律师做最后陈述
    [02:19.40]Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client, Mr. Wolf, 陪审团的女士和先生们 我的当事人 Wolf先生
    [02:24.08]has been accused of horrible crimes. 被控告犯了可怕的罪
    [02:26.76]- Destruction of property...  - That's my baby. - 破坏公物...  - 那是我的孩子
    [02:29.16]- But he is innocent of both.  - Objection! Speculative2. - 对于两项控罪 他是清白的  - 反对! 这是辩方律师的猜测
    [02:29.44]I know that's right. 我知道
    [02:34.12]I'll allow it. Proceed. 反对有效  继续
    [02:39.96]The State has not presented a single shred3 of conclusive4 evidence. 现场并没有足够的证据
    [02:44.56]Yes, there is a house made of sticks, and one of straw, 是的 一间房子用木头做的 另一间用稻草做的
    [02:46.92]but they were both built to code. 但都是按着房子的结构做的
    [02:52.88]That being said, 一句老话
    [02:54.72]a huff and a puff5 is not enough! 光吹两口气是弄不垮的!(源自三只小猪的故事)
    [02:56.48]Let me hear you say it. 让我听到你们说
    [02:58.84]A huff and a puff is not enough! 光吹两口气是弄不垮的!
    [03:00.16]- Objection!  - To what? - 反对!  - 反对什么?
    [03:04.52]Rhyming? 因为很押韵?
    [03:06.88]Mr. Foreman, have you reached a decision? 陪审团主席 你们是否作出了决定?
    [03:11.36]We have, Your Honor. 我们已经有决定了 法官大人
    [03:11.76]We find the defendant6 not guilty. 我们认为被告无罪
    [03:24.12]- Congratulations!  - Thank you. 祝贺你! 谢谢
    [03:27.80]- Congratulations.  - Thanks, Katie. 祝贺你! 谢谢 Katie

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      贫民窟的百万富翁      

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