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时间:2017-02-22 12:02来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:51.46]- Give me a smile. - (Camera Shutter 5 Clicks) 很有见地 [03:52.62]Okay: Excuse me: On the right- 靠右点 [03:57.22]We are gathered here today to celebrate the union... 今日我们聚首祝贺 [03:58.42]of Suzanne and Greg: 苏
  • [03:51.46]- Give me a smile. - (Camera Shutter5 Clicks) 很有见地
    [03:52.62]Okay: Excuse me: On the right- 靠右点
    [03:57.22]We are gathered here today to celebrate the union... 今日我们聚首祝贺
    [03:58.42]of Suzanne and Greg: 苏珊和格列的结合…
    [04:02.86]This is a time of great joy: : : 衷心祝福…
    [04:04.58]As we honor two people who have come together: : : 他们白头到老永结同心
    [04:06.14]To be joined in holy matrimony:
    [04:09.22]- Oh, wow. - Sorry. 对不起,失陪
    [04:12.50]Taxi! 的士
    [04:14.62]Great. 好极了
    [04:19.38]Thanks. 31 Water Street. Brooklyn. 布鲁克林,水街31号
    [04:21.66]Okay: I will give you $300 flat: : : 三百块钱包车,不过有条件

      [04:24.54]- For the whole night on one condition- - Yeah.
    [04:26.82]You don't look in the rear view mirror or I deduct6. 不准望倒后镜,否则扣钱
    [04:30.02]- Deal? Great. - Yeah. 好
    [04:37.46]What are you doing? 你做什么?
    [04:39.46]Hey. You just cost yourself 20 bucks7. 扣你20块
    [04:42.42]L- No one's looking.
    [04:48.98]I'll be right back. 很快回来
    [04:56.78]- ##(Classical Indian) - Thank God you're here. I'm freakin' out. 你来了
    [05:00.02]I brought extra. No worries. 别担心,我有后备
    [05:00.06]- I forgot my thingy. - Oh! Um- 我忘了这东西,怎么办?

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