
当前位置:主页 > TAG标签 > 罗马假日
  • 《罗马假日》电影台词(20) 日期:2017-01-11 12:42:19 点击:158 好评:0

    [00:58.72]Painter? 画家? [01:03.88]I know. You model. 我知道了,是模特儿 [01:04.56]- Model, huh? - Thank you. 模特儿? 谢谢 [01:09.36]Its perfect. 棒极了 [01:10.72]Youre nice without long hair. Now its cool, huh? Cool....

  • 《罗马假日》电影台词(19) 日期:2017-01-11 12:41:51 点击:189 好评:0

    [04:23.04]Via Margutta 51. 马古达街51号 [04:24.40]Via Margutta 51. 马古达街51号 [04:29.36]Joe Bradley. 祖布利 [04:31.88]Goodbye. Thank you. 再见,谢谢你 [04:47.40]Double my money, eh? You tell me how? 加倍奉还?天方夜...

  • 《罗马假日》电影台词(18) 日期:2017-01-11 12:41:20 点击:242 好评:0

    [02:11.40]It has its moments. I can give you a commentary on each apartment. 没错,我可以给你介绍左邻右里 [02:16.36]I must go. 我要走了 [02:20.88]- I only waited to say goodbye. - Goodbye? But weve only just met! 我只是想...

  • 《罗马假日》电影台词(17) 日期:2017-01-11 12:40:46 点击:249 好评:0

    [02:59.52]- You may sit down. - Thank you very much. 你可以坐下来 谢谢 [03:08.56]Whats your name? 你叫什么名字? [03:15.04]- You may call me Anya. - Well thank you, Anya. 叫我安雅吧 好的,安雅 [03:21.80]- Coffee? -...

  • 《罗马假日》电影台词(16) 日期:2017-01-11 12:40:14 点击:217 好评:0

    [04:36.32]Tell the good doctor everything. 告诉我你所想的一切 [04:39.84]I dreamt and I dreamt... 我梦见 [04:43.40]Yes? Well, what did you dream? 你梦见什么? [04:49.88]I dreamt I was asleep in the street, 我梦见我睡在街...

  • 《罗马假日》电影台词(15) 日期:2017-01-11 12:39:40 点击:165 好评:0

    [04:47.48]Go on, I love to hear you whine4. 走吧,我爱听你抱怨 [04:51.92]When Im back in a real newsroom, Ill think of you, 待我另谋高就时,我会想起你 [04:53.12]sitting here with an empty leash5 and nobody to twitch6 f...

  • 《罗马假日》电影台词(14) 日期:2017-01-11 12:39:22 点击:234 好评:0

    [03:00.72]The private and secret longings3 of a princess. 公主心事大揭秘 [03:07.00]Her innermost thoughts, as revealed to your own correspondent, 尽诉她内心的想法、渴望 [03:10.36]in a private, personal, exclusive interview...

  • 《罗马假日》电影台词(13) 日期:2017-01-11 12:39:00 点击:218 好评:0

    [00:34.68]Take a good look. You might interview her again some day. 看清楚,也许你再有机会访问她 [00:39.96]Am I fired? 我被炒鱿了? [00:41.24]No. When I want to fire you, you wont have to ask. 不,若我要炒你,不用...

  • 《罗马假日》电影台词(12) 日期:2017-01-11 12:38:26 点击:108 好评:0

    [03:42.68]How did she feel about the future friendship of nations? 她怎么看各国未来的邦交呢? [03:48.20]Youth. She felt that the youth of the world 青年人,她认为他们是主人翁 [03:54.28]must lead the way to a better...

  • 《罗马假日》电影台词(11) 日期:2017-01-11 12:37:42 点击:204 好评:0

    [02:07.44]Uh-oh. 糟了 [02:09.72]Thanks a lot, hon. 谢谢,甜心 [02:14.48]Come in. 进来 [02:22.32]- Looking for me? - Just coming to work? 找我吗? 刚回来上班? [02:24.80]- Who, me? - We start at 8.30 in this office. 我?...
