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  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(52) 日期:2017-11-13 12:04:49 点击:216 好评:0

    [01:44.44]Taxi. 计程车! [01:45.52]Erica. 爱莉卡! [01:47.28]-Shes just a friend. -Oh, yeah. -她只是普通朋友 -对 [01:48.40]-She looks like a buddy 4 kind of girl. -Come on. -你们只是哥儿们般的朋友 -别这样 [01:...

  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(51) 日期:2017-11-13 12:03:44 点击:227 好评:0

    [00:03.24]Let her figure things out for herself. 让她自己慢慢探索吧 [00:05.92]Im not talking about that, Dave. After all, she did go to medical school. 我指的不是那方面 毕竟她念的是医学院 [00:09.68]Hey, hey,...

  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(50) 日期:2017-11-06 12:28:11 点击:154 好评:0

    [03:30.68]...the Renard, showing here. $80,000 is bid with my absent bidder 8 . 雷纳的划作开始 未出席的出价者喊价八万美元 [03:33.16]$85,000, gentlemans bid. $90,000, still with me. 有人出八万五、九万,...

  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(49) 日期:2017-11-06 12:27:13 点击:166 好评:0

    [02:23.40]...were getting remarried to some 33-year-old... 他如果再婚 娶三十三岁的 [02:28.24]...ear, nose and throat babe, Id be bonkers. And look at you. 耳鼻喉科医生,我一定抓狂 瞧瞧你 [02:30.72]-You never loo...

  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(48) 日期:2017-11-06 12:26:32 点击:219 好评:0

    [01:18.36]...and Im really upset. My shrinks away for two weeks. 我现在气得要命 心理医生又休假两礼拜 [01:21.88]Can you come in? I know youre working, but just, please? 你能不能过来? 我知道你要写稿,但拜托...

  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(47) 日期:2017-11-06 12:25:04 点击:189 好评:0

    [04:43.52]Bad joke. 冷笑话啦 [04:46.24]-Honey? -Yeah? -亲爱的 -什么事情? [04:49.84]No words can ever express my gratitude 6 ... 我的感激之情无法言喻 [04:55.16]...for taking me in... 谢谢你收容我 [04:57.64]-...and...

  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(46) 日期:2017-11-06 12:24:13 点击:232 好评:0

    [02:47.84]...so totally out of character after having a heart attack. 有违常理的事 也不算不正常啰 [02:51.44]You mean like crying? 你指的是掉眼泪吗? [02:52.68]Yeah. 对啊 [02:55.96]And completely changing their taste. 品...

  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(45) 日期:2017-11-06 12:23:27 点击:116 好评:0

    [01:19.20]心脏超音波图很正常 [01:22.24]Im sending you back to the city. 你可以回城里了 [01:26.32]Past few days have done wonders for you. 你这几天恢复得很好 [01:34.16]I can do it, by the way. 对了,我做到了...

  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(44) 日期:2017-11-06 12:22:21 点击:223 好评:0

    [04:37.36]Oh, my God! 天哪 [04:40.28]Hi. 早啊 [04:44.16]What time do you think it is? 现在几点了? [04:58.76]Can you see this? 你看得见吗? [00:01.76]Not really. It looks like it says... 看不清楚,好像是 [00:04.20]....

  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(43) 日期:2017-11-06 12:21:49 点击:174 好评:0

    [00:54.32]The color is draining 2 from your face. 你的脸色愈来愈苍白了 [00:58.92]Okay, Im gonna pee, take one of your blood-pressure pills... 我要去尿尿,把降血压药吃了吧 [01:03.24]...and when I get back, lets n...
