


时间:2017-11-06 12:27来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:23.40]...were getting remarried to some 33-year-old... 他如果再婚 娶三十三岁的 [02:28.24]...ear, nose and throat babe, Id be bonkers. And look at you. 耳鼻喉科医生,我一定抓狂 瞧瞧你 [02:30.72]-You never loo
  • [02:23.40]...were getting remarried to some 33-year-old... 他如果再婚 娶三十三岁的…
    [02:28.24]...ear, nose and throat babe, I'd be bonkers. And look at you. 耳鼻喉科医生,我一定抓狂 瞧瞧你
    [02:30.72]-You never looked better, by the way. -Oh, well.... -你满面春风耶 -嗯…
    [02:35.24]Marin, we're all set. 犸琳,准备好了
    [02:36.60]I gotta go sell $40 million worth of art. 我要去拍卖四千万美元的艺术品
    [02:40.40]Can you do one other big thing for me? Just say yes, just.... 能不能再帮我一个大忙?
    [02:44.36]-Please? -Anything, bubby. -拜托啦 -尽管说吧
    [02:46.48]I need you to come out to dinner with me, Dad and the fiancee. 今晚陪我去爸和他未婚妻的饭局
    [02:49.32]-Absolutely not. No. -Mom, you have to. -不行,办不到 -妈,你非去不可
    [02:52.32]Hey. You have to. 你非去不可
    [02:55.20]Yes, because he wants me to meet her. I can't go alone. 他要我见见她,我不能一个人去
    [02:56.00]I asked them if you could come, and they said it was fine. 我有问能不能找你去 他们都说可以
    [03:00.76]You're gonna have to meet her too, so we should do it together. 反正你迟早也要见到她 我们干脆一起去
    [03:05.12]Come on. Please? 好嘛,求求你
    [03:05.72]You know you can handle it. 你一定可以搞定
    [03:09.84]Well.... 嗯…
    [03:12.92]Okay, that's it. You see that look on your face? 就是这个表情 你知不知道这个表情?
    [03:14.96]That's the gene5 I didn't get. 没遗传到我身上
    [03:19.56]Welcome to Christie's and tonight's sale of impressionist and modern art. 大家好,欢迎光临佳士得 今晚要拍卖印象派和现代艺术品
    [03:21.24]The auctioneer may open bidding on any lot below the reserve... 出价者请注意拍卖人 可就低于底价的物件
    [03:26.24]...by bidding on behalf6 of the seller7. Let's start with lot number one... 代替卖家开始喊价 先从一号拍卖品…

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      爱是妥协      

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