


时间:2016-03-28 12:07来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:25.28]1万桶一个月 Ten thousand barrels a month? [00:27.51]他一定是在说谎,他在说谎! He must be lying. Hes talking! [00:31.38]这有一些石油储备 Listen, there are gas reserves off the [00:32.61]石油输出国组织根
  •    [00:25.28]1万桶一个月 Ten thousand barrels a month?
      [00:27.51]他一定是在说谎,他在说谎! He must be lying. He’s talking!
      [00:31.38]这有一些石油储备 Listen, there are gas reserves off the
      [00:32.61]石油输出国组织根本不知道 lvory Coast that OPEC doesn’t even know about.
      [00:34.88]这些电话号码已经都检查过了 The phone numbers all check out.
      [00:38.94]都是合法的 It’s all on the level.
      [00:41.78]怪不得瓦伦丁会困惑了 No wonder Valentine was confused.
      [00:57.88]感谢上帝 Thank God there are still legal ways
      [00:59.54]还是有一些合法渠道可以和发展中国家交易 to exploit developing countries.
      [01:02.21]但是合法的钱 The only problem with an honest buck2
      [01:04.31]真是难赚 is they’re so hard to make.
      [01:06.14]很多人都在干 The margins3 are too low.
      [01:07.68]利润实在太低了 Too many people are doing it.
      [01:13.44]但是我已经答应了艾娃 Still, I’d promised Ava.
      [01:25.54]尤里,利比里亚的总统正在来这里的路 Yuri, the President of Liberia is on his way up.
      [01:30.84]他早到了 He’s early.
      [01:33.24]我一会就回来 I’ll be back in a minute.
      [01:41.68]你来这做什么,安德烈? What the fuck are you doing here, Andre?
      [01:44.04]我到联合国来签和平条约 We are here for peace talks at the United Nations.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      战争之王      

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