[01:23.18]但我不认为你想 But I don’t think that you do.
[01:25.48]一句话就好 Just say the word.
[01:28.28]说吧...“住手” Say it. "Stop."
[01:45.04]住手 Stop.
[01:56.18]朋友,我替你另开个房间 I will get you another room, my friend.
[01:59.54]风景更好些的 With a much nicer view.
[02:34.61]他帮你要了布朗-布朗,尤里先生 He ordered you brown-brown, Mr. Yuri.
[02:40.84]什么? What?
[02:42.24]布朗-布朗 Brown-brown.
[02:43.11]那是什么? What is it?
[02:44.58]海洛因 A mixture of cocaine2...
[02:47.68]和火药的混合体 ...and gunpowder3.
[02:50.18]他们把它在战斗前给那些孩子们吸食 They give it to the young boys before they do battle.
[02:52.41]吸过后他们会做任何事 They’ll do anything!
[02:55.81]下次再试吧 Some other time.
[02:57.71]我劝你还是试一下,尤里先生 I suggest you try it, at least once, Mr. Yuri.
[03:02.08]为什么? Why?
[03:03.64]因为这是你的火药 ’Cause it’s your gunpowder.
[03:28.61]在那晚之前 Even before that night,
[03:30.11]我在西非已经用过很多次毒品了 I’d started doing a lot of cocaine in West Africa.
[03:33.41]我从来没试过布朗-布朗 I’d never tried brown-brown before,
[03:35.94]就像我从来没有杀过一个人一样 but then I’d never killed a man, either.