


时间:2016-02-02 22:03来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:16.44]- Okay. - Thanks so much. -好的 -非常感谢 [00:18.80]- Nice guy. - Stanley owes me a big favor. -他人不错 -他欠我个大人情 [00:20.68]- It was a guaranteed sale. - So what? -铁定能成的买卖 -那又怎样? [00:2
  •   [00:16.44]- Okay. - Thanks so much. -好的 -非常感谢
      [00:18.80]- Nice guy. - Stanley owes me a big favor. -他人不错 -他欠我个大人情
      [00:20.68]- It was a guaranteed sale. - So what? -铁定能成的买卖 -那又怎样?
      [00:22.92]Right. You can afford to be picky. You sold... 是的,你有资格挑买主, 你已经卖了...哦,一条都没卖掉
      [00:26.16]...let’s see, no boats. No boats at all.
      [00:29.24]You worry too much. You really do. 你太多虑了,真的
      [00:32.64]You’re in a good mood. That must have been some date. 你心情不错,想必是约会挺愉快
      [00:35.72]She’s shy, she’s fragile1, she’s self-conscious. 她害羞,脆弱,敏感而拘谨
      [00:35.92]Charlie, you should have seen this girl. 查理,你该见见她
      [00:39.48]She has no idea how beautiful she is. She’s a mess. It’s fantastic. 她不知道自己有多美, 她太美了,简直是个梦幻
      [00:46.76]The evening didn’t end up great, but there were moments in there... 晚上的收场虽然不尽人意, 但某些时刻...
      [00:48.12]...where we were completely and utterly2 ourselves. ...我们是十足真实的
      [00:52.24]I was completely psychotic, but she was completely lovely. 我是十足的神经质,而她是十足的可爱
      [00:55.80]Are you thinking about completely closing the sale any time soon? 你考虑过尽快谈妥一笔十足的买卖吗?
      [00:59.48]I tell you about a night with an unusual woman... 我在说一个与众不同的女人...
      [01:00.76]...and you turn it into a business transaction3. ...你却把话题转到生意上
      [01:04.08]We’re not selling real estate4 here. 这又不是地产生意
      [01:05.72]- And if we were selling real estate? - We’d be in escrow this weekend. -如果是呢? -这周末就能签合同

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      征婚广告      

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