


时间:2016-02-21 17:39来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:09.60]Dont worry, I got it. 别担心,我懂 [01:12.44]Single chicken breast, no dating advice, coming right up. 一块鸡胸肉,别提约会建议,马上拿来 [01:16.68]Actually, I would like to have three whole fryers, please. 实际上
  •   [01:09.60]Don’t worry, I got it. 别担心,我懂
      [01:12.44]Single chicken breast, no dating advice, coming right up. 一块鸡胸肉,别提约会建议,马上拿来
      [01:16.68]Actually, I would like to have three whole fryers, please. 实际上我想要三只整鸡,谢谢
      [01:19.96]And six pork chops2 and a lamb shank. 还有六块猪排和一只小羊腿
      [01:20.76]And do you have any dog bones back there? 有没有给狗吃的骨头?
      [01:24.12]If you do, throw them in the cart. What are the specials today? 有的话请给我们点, 今天有什么特惠?
      [01:28.92]Yes. 当然
      [01:42.84]Thank you. 谢谢
      [01:49.28]How many people are actually in this family? 这个家到底有多少人?
      [01:53.56]- Hey. - Hey.
      [01:55.16]Get down. 下去
      [01:58.92]Down! 下去
      [02:25.36]- Oh, that’s a great story. Tell it, hon. - Great story. -那可是个好故事,说吧,亲爱的 -很精彩
      [02:30.96]Well, actually, it’s a very romantic story. 实际上,是个很浪漫的故事
      [02:33.92]- You tell it, carol. - No, go ahead, honey. -你来吧,卡萝 -不,说下去
      [02:36.84]No, no, really, you should. She tells this story great. 不,还是你来吧,她说得再好不过
      [02:39.08]You don’t remember, do you? 你忘了,是不是?
      [02:42.08]Don’t remember? How we met? 忘了?我们怎么认识的?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      征婚广告      

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