


时间:2016-02-21 17:40来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:53.40]I dont remember. 我忘了 [02:56.28]But I love her. 但我爱她 [02:57.08]I love her! 我爱她 [02:59.68]Love is not reserved for the young, you know. 爱情不只属于年轻人 [03:01.64]As the poet said: 有诗人说过: [03
  •   [02:53.40]I don’t remember. 我忘了
      [02:56.28]But I love her. 但我爱她
      [02:57.08]I love her! 我爱她
      [02:59.68]Love is not reserved for the young, you know. 爱情不只属于年轻人
      [03:01.64]As the poet said: 有诗人说过:
      [03:03.96]Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be 与吾偕老,佳期可期
      [03:06.32]- Yeats? - No. -耶茨? -不是
      [03:09.32]- Tennyson? - No. -坦尼森? -不是
      [03:09.80]- Browning. - Browning. -勃朗宁 -勃朗宁
      [03:13.40]Who knows her daddy? 谁最了解她爸爸?
      [03:15.16]Oh, my gosh, I did not think I was ready to settle down... 老天, 我觉得我还没准备好安定下来...
      [03:20.24]...but look at the size of this rock. ...但看看这钻石的尺寸
      [03:22.32]And you want to know what else? I’m gonna get a cute little tattoo3... 还想听点别的? 我要弄个可爱的小纹身...
      [03:26.04]...in someplace that’s N-o-N of your business. ...纹在哪可不关你的事
      [03:33.40]"Mrs. Casey Donovan." "凯西-多诺万先生"
      [03:36.12]The best place to meet someone... 结识人最好的地方...
      [03:39.56]...is Parseghian’s Armenian restaurant in Koreatown. ...在韩国城帕斯吉安的亚美尼亚餐馆
      [03:42.64]I don’t care if you’re young, you’re old... 不管你年轻,年老...
      [03:46.68]...you’re single, you’re divorced4... ...单身,离过婚...
      [03:50.88]I’m getting there. -给他们地址 -我都在那
      [03:54.52]Wednesday, mother-in-law night. 星期三,"岳母之夜"

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      征婚广告      

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