


时间:2016-02-02 22:01来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:28.76]Then neither one of us had a condom, which I think reflects some ambivalence5. 却都没有保险套, 我认为这体现了某种矛盾 [03:34.96]Im just not cut out for this. Life in the fast lane. 我并不适合生活在快车道
  •   [03:28.76]Then neither one of us had a condom, which I think reflects some ambivalence5. 却都没有保险套, 我认为这体现了某种矛盾
      [03:34.96]I’m just not cut out for this. Life in the fast lane. 我并不适合生活在快车道
      [03:37.32]Fast lane? You’re not even on the on-ramp. 快车道?你连匝道还没上呢
      [03:38.12]- But these people seem happy. - Of course they do. They have a condom. -但这些人似乎很幸福 -那当然,他们有保险套
      [03:44.60]Marc and I couldn’t find a condom once. Wanna know what we used? 马克和我有次也找不到保险套, 知道用的什么吗?
      [03:45.16]- No. - Saran wrap. -不 -保鲜膜
      [03:49.56]Thanks for that image which will stay in my brain for the rest of my life. 多谢,这个画面我下半辈子都会铭记于心
      [03:51.84]It was sexy in a Good Housekeeping kind of way. 这种来自"好管家"杂志的方法挺性感
      [03:55.64]I’ll never be able to wrap leftovers6 again. 我决不可能再包剩菜了
      [03:58.92]- Did it work? - Maeve was born nine months... -有用吗? -9个月零1天后...
      [04:02.00]...and one day later. ...美芙出世了
      [04:05.88]I don’t wanna just do random7 dating, carol. I wanna be in love. 我不想只要激情约会,卡萝, 我想恋爱
      [04:07.92]I wanna wake up next to someone and see them smile. 我想醒来时身边有人看着我微笑
      [04:10.52]Do the whole Sunday breakfast thing, go out and get the paper. 在周日不用我做早餐,拿报纸
      [04:14.48]Stay in bed together all day. 整天一起腻在床上
      [04:18.12]Wouldn’t we all? 有谁不想呢?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      征婚广告      

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