


时间:2016-02-02 21:54来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:02.52]Dog threw me. I mean, the sun was in my eyes. 狗影响了我,让我分心了 [02:05.48]Pick someone else, start over. 换个人重来 [02:08.76]No, this girl, theres something special about this girl. 不必,这一个有某种特别
  •   [02:02.52]Dog threw me. I mean, the sun was in my eyes. 狗影响了我,让我分心了
      [02:05.48]Pick someone else, start over. 换个人重来
      [02:08.76]No, this girl, there’s something special about this girl. 不必,这一个有某种特别之处
      [02:11.08]You know the expression "she took my breath away"? 知道"她让我怦然心动"这句话吧?
      [02:11.84]I mean, she did. I actually gasped5. I’m off the bench, man. 她就是,我真的动心了, 我又要上场了,伙计
      [02:18.00]Think she’ll see you again? I wouldn’t. 你以为她还会见你吗?我想不会
      [02:19.12]You’re not nice. Like, you’re not a nice person. 这可不厚道,你向来都不够厚道
      [02:27.56]- Hi, June. - Hey, June. 嗨,琼
      [02:27.84]- Hi, June. - Hey, June. 嗨,琼
      [02:30.52]Need more cupcakes. All the dads are staying for the party. 再来点蛋糕, 做爸爸的都留下参加晚会了
      [02:33.92]- What’s up with that? - I have no idea. -怎么回事? -不知道
      [02:35.80]Every Halloween it’s the same thing. 每次万圣节前夜都是这样
      [02:38.88]But I guess it’s great how involved they are in their kids’ world. Isn’t it? 但我想他们多关心孩子的世界也是好事, 对吧?
      [02:42.08]- Yeah. - Yeah.
      [02:43.48]Why don’t you and Eric come over. 你和艾里克来我家吧
      [02:44.32]I’ll rent a hopelessly romantic movie. We can all hold hands together and cry. 我会借部浪漫透顶的片子, 好让我们握手痛哭
      [02:50.52]Sounds fun, but we can’t. 听来不错,但不行
      [02:52.52]It’s our anniversary, and we always spend it just the two of us. 因为周年纪念我们总是单独过

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      征婚广告      

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