


时间:2016-01-26 22:21来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:57.20]I cant. Its just my luck. Hes the father of one of my students. 我不能,是我的幸运,但他是学生的家长 [01:01.68]He has a Ph.D. And a great ass2. Lets not get dragged down by ethics3. 他有博士学位,还有个漂亮的
  •   [00:57.20]I can’t. It’s just my luck. He’s the father of one of my students. 我不能,是我的幸运,但他是学生的家长
      [01:01.68]He has a Ph.D. And a great ass2. Let’s not get dragged down by ethics3. 他有博士学位,还有个漂亮的屁股, 不要被道德规范束缚
      [01:05.24]Technically, he doesn’t have his Ph.D. Yet. 可他还没拿到学位
      [01:07.80]- But yes, the ass thing, I know. - God, let’s not even mention the eyes. -但屁股确实漂亮 -老天,更不用提眼睛了
      [01:12.92]- The crinkly smile. - No. That would be wrong. -还有笑容 -不行,那样不好
      [01:14.68]- So can I ask you a question? - No. -能问个问题吗? -不能
      [01:18.28]You never would have left Kevin. Would you? 你决不会主动离开凯文,对不对?
      [01:20.32]If he hadn’t left me? No, I don’t think so. 如果他不离开我吗?多半是这样
      [01:23.52]But you weren’t really happy. 可你没有真正开心过
      [01:28.88]Well, I figured that was the life I picked, so I had to make the most of it. 我清楚这是自己选择的生活, 所以必须去面对
      [01:31.20]I’m not even sure I deserve a new life now. 我现在都拿不准配不配得到新生活
      [01:35.08]Sometimes I think that was supposed to be my one chance and I blew it. 有时我觉得那是我的一次机会, 但我没把握住
      [01:37.24]Where did we get these bad attitudes, you think? 你觉得这些糟糕的念头是从哪来的?
      [01:42.04]Let’s blame the nuns4. Can I say one more thing? 就怪修女好了, 能再说件事吗?
      [01:42.12]- The nuns? - Yeah, that works. -修女那? -对,那些教义
      [01:49.56]You love me. I know. 我知道,你爱我
      [01:50.48]I do. 是的
      [01:55.52]I mean, I was really bad. She did not see my A game. 我状态很差,她没见识我的上佳表现
      [01:58.12]Sounds like she didn’t see your B or c game. 恐怕中等低等也没见识到
      [02:01.32]I’m gonna call her again. I want to ask her out. I need a mulligan. 我要再打电话约她出来,加赛一场

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      征婚广告      

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