


时间:2016-01-26 22:14来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:05.08]Beautiful. 真美 [04:06.16]Youd look really good in handcuffs. 戴上手铐一定很漂亮 [04:19.20]Charlie, my boy, some nice-looking pieces here. 查理,伙计,有些看来很不错 [04:21.68]- Really? I didnt see anyone. - I
  •   [04:05.08]Beautiful. 真美
      [04:06.16]You’d look really good in handcuffs. 戴上手铐一定很漂亮
      [04:19.20]Charlie, my boy, some nice-looking pieces here. 查理,伙计,有些看来很不错
      [04:21.68]- Really? I didn’t see anyone. - I meant the artwork. -我怎么一个没看到? -我是指艺术品
      [04:22.84]- Bet this cost a bundle. - Hey, guys. -我敢说这一定很贵 -你们好
      [04:25.52]- Hi! - Speaking of artwork. -嗨 -说到艺术品
      [04:29.04]- Hi, Sherry. - Hi, charlie. Hi, Jake. -嗨,雪莉 -嗨,查理,嗨,杰克
      [04:32.20]How are you? Let’s do two. 你好吗?再来一下
      [04:33.76]- That’s how they do it in France. - You having fun? -法国人就爱这样 -玩得开心吗?
      [04:36.08]Well, I feel sorry for the artist at these things. 我为这些艺术家感到遗憾
      [04:41.16]All this talent on display, and everybody here’s just trying to get laid. 他们想展示才华, 可来的人都只想着上床的事
      [04:44.12]I know I am. 我知道我是
      [04:44.80]You never called me, mister. I waited and waited. 你从没联系过我,害我等了又等
      [04:48.72]I know I am. 我知道我是
      [04:50.20]I’m sorry, Sherry, it’s just that I’m not ready right now to be in a serious relationship. 对不起,雪莉, 只是我还没准备好开始一段真正的感情
      [04:56.04]And with somebody as wonderful and as beautiful as you... 再说和你这样漂亮迷人的姑娘一起...
      [04:58.92]...I just wouldn’t expect anything less. ...我对自己要求会更高
      [00:03.44]- Why can’t you be sweet like that, huh? - Sherry! -你的嘴怎么没他这样甜? -雪莉
      [00:05.76]- Hey, guys. - Short attention span. -嘿 -注意力瞬间转移
      [00:08.80]You’re a sick guy, you know that? 知道吗,你真让人恶心
      [00:10.84]Just another in a long line of colossal1 mistakes. 和她只会是又一次大错特错
      [00:15.92]I’m not answering an Internet ad. 我一条广告都没答复

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      征婚广告      

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