


时间:2016-06-22 12:08来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:12.86]Tell me, George. Why do you think she ran? 你认为她干嘛会逃跑呢? [04:13.82]Just like you said. What did you call her? A man-eater? 你讲过啦,专吃男人嘛 [04:18.70]Devouring death goddess. All right? 择人而噬的死
  •   [04:12.86]Tell me, George. Why do you think she ran? 你认为她干嘛会逃跑呢?
      [04:13.82]Just like you said. What did you call her? A man-eater? 你讲过啦,专吃男人嘛
      [04:18.70]Devouring death goddess. All right? 择人而噬的死亡女神,对吗?
      [04:20.98]That’s what I said. I don’t think that’s why she ran. 我认为这都不是她逃跑的原因
      [04:25.90]Why do you think she ran? 那她干嘛要逃跑呢?
      [04:25.94]I don’t know. I’m working on it. I was on the wrong track. 我不知道,我当日的结论是错了
      [04:30.34]- Are you defending her? - No, no. 你这算是维护她吗?
      [04:31.82]I call it like I see it. I’m a journalist. I’m a truth-teller. 不,我只是直言无讳 我是记者,要讲事实
      [04:37.58]- Unbelievable! - What? 真是不可思议
      [04:37.62]She got to you, too, like a moth1 to a flame. 你被她迷倒了,像灯蛾扑火
      [04:42.98]- Please!  别胡扯了
      [04:43.70]-Join the club. 加入我这一团吧
      [04:44.98]- What are you talking about?  你说什么?
      [04:45.46]- You need this much more than I do. 你比我还需要多喝两杯
      [04:47.74]I am a journalist. 我是记者
      [04:47.82]I’m doing an article. Look. See? I’m being paid. 我在写稿,我是有钱收的
      [04:50.34]This will be published. A cover story. 这篇稿会被刊出
      [04:51.98]You’ll get the all facts in the article. 你在那篇稿里会看到全部事实
      [04:56.18]Do you know what kind of eggs she liked? 她喜欢怎样吃蛋?
      [04:58.30]Poached, same as me. 煮熟的,跟我一样

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      

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