


时间:2016-12-26 12:37来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:22.28]Thats all it takes, really. 这就是凿通的关键 [03:24.20]Pressure 压力 [03:28.16]and time. 和时间 [03:29.56]That and a big goddamn poster. 和一张够大的海报 [03:35.04]Like I said 就我说的 [03:38.72]in prison,
  •   [03:22.28]That's all it takes, really. 这就是凿通的关键
      [03:24.20]Pressure 压力
      [03:28.16]and time. 和时间
      [03:29.56]That and a big goddamn poster. 和一张够大的海报
      [03:35.04]Like I said 就我说的
      [03:38.72]in prison, a man will do anything to keep his mind occupied. 在牢里  没事也得找事做
      [03:44.96]Seems Andy's favorite hobby was toting his wall out into the exercise yard 原来的安迪的嗜好
      [03:48.32]a handful at a time. 就是一点一滴倾倒废土
      [03:52.24]I guess after Tommy was killed 大概就在汤米死后
      [03:55.32]Andy decided5 he'd been here long enough. 安迪决定不再久留
      [03:59.00]Lickety-split.I want to get home. 动作快  我要回家
      [04:00.24]I'm just about finished, sir. 马上就好了
      [04:25.20]Three deposits tonight. 今晚要存三笔
      [04:35.16]Andy did like he was told. 安迪遵命行事
      [04:36.16]Buffed those shoes to a high mirror-shine. 把鞋子擦的雪亮
      [04:43.88]The guards simply didn't notice. 警卫都没注意
      [04:45.28]Neither did I. 我也没有
      [04:48.96]I mean, seriously 说真的
      [04:49.88]how often do you really look at a man's shoes? 谁会注意别人的鞋子
      [01:55.12]Andy crawled to freedom through 500 yards 安迪就这样爬向自由
      [01:59.72]of shit-smelling foulness1 I can't even imagine. 在恶臭中匍匐五百码
      [02:05.08]Or maybe I just don't want to. 要我爬才不干
      [02:11.04]Five hundred yards. 五百码
      [02:13.52]That's the length of five football fields. 五座橄榄球场宽
      [02:16.36]Just shy of half a mile. 几乎长达半里

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