


时间:2016-12-26 12:21来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:54.96]You may remember reading about it. 也许你曾在报上看过 [00:58.16]It made the papers and got his picture in Look magazine. 他上了各报和《展望杂志》 [01:02.36]Its no free ride 这不只是赚钱 [01:02.40]but rat
  •   [00:54.96]You may remember reading about it. 也许你曾在报上看过
      [00:58.16]It made the papers and got his picture in Look magazine. 他上了各报和《展望杂志》
      [01:02.36]It's no free ride 这不只是赚钱
      [01:02.40]but rather a genuine progressive advance 而是狱政的
      [00:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在人人听力网 http://www.rrting.com/English/movie_mp3/
      [01:07.12]in corrections and rehabilitation3. 一大进步
      [01:09.48]Our inmates4, properly supervised 本监受刑人在妥善监督下
      [01:11.44]will be put to work outside these walls 将到狱外工作
      [01:13.76]performing all manner of public service. 从事各项公共事业
      [01:17.84]These men can learn the value 他们将学到诚实劳动的价值
      [01:20.84]of an honest day's labor5 and provide a service to the community 同时为社区提供服务
      [01:24.88]at a bare minimum of expense to Mr. And Mrs. John Q. Taxpayer6. 对于纳税大众而言  也只花最少的代价
      [01:30.44]Of course he didn't tell the press 当然  诺顿没向媒体说明
      [01:31.56]that "bare minimum of expense" is a fairly loose term. "最少代价"实在含糊不清
      [01:37.24]There are 100 different ways to skim off the top. 揩油的方法何止百种
      [01:38.20]Men, materials, you name it. 人力  物料  处处漏洞
      [01:43.56]And oh, my Lord, how the money rolled in! 天哪  油水之丰
      [01:46.96]At this rate, you'll put me out of business. 你会害我倒闭的
      [01:48.88]With this pool of slave labor, you can underbid any contractor7 in town. 靠这么多奴工  谁标得过你
      [01:53.92]We're providing a valuable community service. 我们在提供社区服务
      [01:57.60]That's fine for the papers, but I've got a family to feed. 这是广告词  但我得养家  山姆
      [02:01.96]We go back a long way. 老兄  咱们这么久的交情
      [02:04.32]I need this highway contract. I don't get it and I go under. That's a fact. 我必须包下这条公路  否则只好喝西北风了
      [02:12.64]You have some of this fine pie 这是内人特地为你烤的派
      [02:14.80]my missus made for you. You think about that. 请笑纳  你看着办
      [02:25.24]I wouldn't worry too much about this contract. 别担心这项工程合约

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      肖申克的救赎      

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