


时间:2016-09-18 12:22来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:16.14](sighing) (叹气) [03:18.10]You are the only person on earth who would say that. 你是世界上唯一会那么说的人。 [03:22.82]And its just because you havent met me. 因为你从来没有见过我。 [03:25.10]Ive made so
  •   [03:16.14](sighing) (叹气)
      [03:18.10]You are the only person on earth who would say that. 你是世界上唯一会那么说的人。
      [03:22.82]And it’s just because you haven’t met me. 因为你从来没有见过我。
      [03:25.10]I’ve made so many mistakes. 我犯下了很多错误。
      [03:27.94]Everyone makes mistakes. 每个人都会犯错。
      [03:32.62]Yeah, well, I make whoppers, over and over... 对,我撒了很多谎,一次又一次...
      [03:36.90]and my kids are the ones who suffer. 我的孩子就是谎言的受害者。
      [03:40.26]It’s not fair. 这不公平。
      [03:42.86]This wasn’t the plan, you know. 你看,原来不时这么计划的。
      [03:46.02]I had a big future in mind when I was younger. 在我年轻的时候,我有远大的理想。
      [03:48.62]I was going to be a famous baker5. 我希望成为伟大的面包师。
      [03:52.02]Like Julia Child, but with desserts. 就好象,朱利叶·奇奥德, 和他一样做甜点。
      [03:53.42]I was going to go to a fancy cooking school. 我本来打算上一所不错的烹饪学校的。
      [03:55.98]Write cookbooks. 写几本食谱。
      [03:58.58]Make people fall in love with baking again. 使人们再次热爱烘焙食物。
      [04:01.74]I had all the applications, too. 我但是也拥有所有的申请表。
      [04:06.94]I was in the middle of filling them out when I learned6 I was pregnant7. 我得知我怀孕时,我已经填了一半了。
      [04:13.10]A baby fit into my happily-ever-after plan just fine. 一个孩子闯入了我美好人生计划中,没关系。
      [04:13.30]I thought it was good news. 我认为是个好消息。
      [04:19.46]But it didn’t fit into the guy’s. 但是它却没有进入那个男人的生活中去。
      [04:21.42]Or maybe it was me that didn’t fit. 或许是我没有告诉他。
      [04:24.50]Whichever. I was on my own. 无论如何。我一个人承担了一切。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      超完美男人      

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