


时间:2016-09-18 12:17来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:01.40]``and l am three times as happy.`` 而我拥有3倍的快乐 [01:02.48]What`s this? 这是什么? [01:06.92]He gave you a present? l like him now. 他送你礼物。 我现在开始喜欢他了。 [01:09.92]Smart, witty3, romant
  •   [01:01.40]``and l am three times as happy.`` “而我拥有3倍的快乐”
      [01:02.48]What`s this? 这是什么?
      [01:06.92]He gave you a present? l like him now. 他送你礼物。 我现在开始喜欢他了。
      [01:09.92]Smart, witty3, romantic. 智慧,小聪明,浪漫。
      [01:14.80]You can`t still think this guy is Lenny, right? 你不可能还认为那是莱尼吧,对吧?
      [01:16.48]lt is kind of hard to picture Lenny playing Scrabble. 很难想象莱尼玩拼字游戏的场景。
      [01:20.36]∮∮(l will Learn to Love Again playing) ∮∮(播放《我还要再爱一次》)
      [01:33.16]Come on, Mom, let`s dance. 来吧,妈妈。我们来跳舞。
      [01:40.96](Jean whooping) (简喊叫)
      [01:42.32](Zoe) You go, Mom! (周) 你去吧,妈妈!
      [01:43.00](giggling) (咯咯的笑声)
      [01:51.20]Mom. 妈妈。
      [01:52.96](shouting) (尖叫声)
      [01:56.52]No! Come on. 不! 来吧。
      [02:28.04](Gloria) l can`t believe it. (格劳丽雅) 我不敢相信。
      [02:31.16]And he sent you a present, too? 他还送给你一份礼物?
      [02:32.64]Yeah, a CD of a band l`d never heard of, but l loved. 对,一张我从未听说过的乐队的CD,但是我喜欢。
      [02:35.40]lt`s like he knows me better than l know myself. 就好象他比我自己还了解我。
      [02:37.48]So why is he hiding? 那他为什么藏起来了?
      [02:44.68](woman) Excuse me? Can you help me? (女人) 对不起? 能帮我吗?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      超完美男人      

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