


时间:2016-09-09 12:58来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:46.88]N-E-C-K-L-A-C-E-S. N-E-C-K-L-A-C-E-S. [03:54.56]Okay. Yeah, that makes sense. 好吧,有点意思。 [03:57.40]Hi, Lenny. 嗨,莱尼。 [03:58.80]Wow, Jean. Whoa! Great outfit7. 哇,简,哇! 很棒的衣服。 [04:04.28]
  •   [03:46.88]N-E-C-K-L-A-C-E-S. N-E-C-K-L-A-C-E-S.
      [03:54.56]Okay. Yeah, that makes sense. 好吧,有点意思。
      [03:57.40]Hi, Lenny. 嗨,莱尼。
      [03:58.80]Wow, Jean. Whoa! Great outfit7. 哇,简,哇! 很棒的衣服。
      [04:04.28]Damn, where did you get that? 你从哪里买的?
      [04:05.36]Who`s-a-hottie.com? “谁是美女”网站?
      [04:08.64](laughs) (大笑声)
      [04:12.80]All right. So, you got everything you need? 好吧,你都准备好了吗?
      [04:13.92]Yeah. Let me just put this on. Okay. 对,让我穿上外套。 好了。
      [04:15.72]Hey, Holly, your mom said that Saturday night is movie night. 嘿,郝莉,你妈妈说周六晚上是该看电影的时候。
      [04:21.68]So, what do you say on me... 所以,你和周公主,...
      [04:24.68]you take Princess Zoe here, you guys go see Bambi? 你们两个去看Bambi(电影名称)怎么样?
      [04:28.52]l`m not actually sure that Bambi is still in theaters. 我不太肯定Bambi是否还在上映。
      [04:32.08]Which is such a shame because l`m just dying to take... 如果是那样就太可惜了...
      [04:34.00]my 7-year-old little sister to a movie where the mom gets... 因为我要和我7岁的妹妹去看我的妈妈将会在什么地方...
      [04:37.00]killed by the evil male hunter. killed by 被邪恶的坏男人所杀害。
      [04:37.68]l want to go see that. 我要看那个。
      [04:42.76]Thank you, Lenny. That`s very nice of you. 谢谢,莱尼。 你真好。
      [04:44.44]Thank you, Lenny. That`s very nice of you. 谢谢,莱尼。 你真好。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      超完美男人      

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