


时间:2016-09-09 12:57来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:09.28]So are you free Saturday night? 你周六晚上有空吗? [02:12.24]What did you have in mind? 你想干什么? [02:14.96]Nothing short of rocking your world, babe. 没什么,只是要动摇你的世界,宝贝。 [02:17.40]T
  •   [02:09.28]So are you free Saturday night? 你周六晚上有空吗?
      [02:12.24]What did you have in mind? 你想干什么?
      [02:14.96]Nothing short of rocking your world, babe. 没什么,只是要动摇你的世界,宝贝。
      [02:17.40]That`s right, make him work for it, girlfriend. 对,让他在你的世界里工作,朋友。
      [02:17.72]Well, my world doesn`t rock that easy. 我的世界可没那么容易动摇。
      [02:21.56]That`s on account of you`ve never had... 那是因为你从未感受过...
      [02:23.16]your world rocked by Lenny ``The World-Rocker`` Horton. 莱尼·豪敦的《你的世界在动摇》的震撼。
      [02:25.56]Okay. 好吧。
      [02:28.56]Let`s say l check my social calendar... 让我查查我的日程安排...
      [02:29.56]and it turns out l am free Saturday night. 结论是我周六晚上有空。
      [02:34.40]Only to hear the greatest American band... 只是去听美国有史以来最好的乐队...
      [02:36.12]ever to pipe out a power ballad4. 吹奏强有力的乐曲。
      [02:40.28](gasps) (惊讶声)
      [02:40.96]Styx concert. 冥河乐队演唱会。
      [02:43.36]Something l`ve never done. 我从未做过的事情。
      [02:44.44]You`re a Styx newbie? 你是冥河乐队的新歌迷?
      [02:45.76]These are really hot tickets. 这些是抢手货。
      [02:49.52]l must really like you. 我一定会喜欢你的。
      [02:52.00]Okay, so Saturday night. Saturday. 好,说定了,周六晚上。 说定了。
      [02:53.00]Saturday. 说定了。
      [02:58.76]What? Stop! 什么? 停下!
      [02:59.88]lt`s impossible that Lenny is your secret admirer. 莱尼不可能是你的神秘崇拜者。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      超完美男人      

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