


时间:2016-09-09 12:55来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:35.40]``You are a vision.`` ``你是一个幻影。`` [02:37.88]Who sent them? 谁送的? [02:41.16]``A Secret Admirer.`` ``一个神秘的崇拜者。`` [02:44.16]Who could it be? 会是谁呢? [02:47.56]Well, obviously, someone that s
  •   [02:35.40]``You are a vision.`` ``你是一个幻影。``
      [02:37.88]Who sent them? 谁送的?
      [02:41.16]``A Secret Admirer.`` ``一个神秘的崇拜者。``
      [02:44.16]Who could it be? 会是谁呢?
      [02:47.56]Well, obviously, someone that saw you at the shop. 很明显,有人在店里看到你了。
      [02:48.60]Yeah, but how would he know my name? 对,但是他怎么知道我的名字的呢?
      [02:51.28]Well, you wear a nametag, don`t you? 你不是穿着带有名字的带子,对吗?
      [02:54.96]Or where l live? Duh? Google. 那怎么知道我的住址? 咄?GOOGLE(著名搜索网站)。
      [02:56.44]Or that l love orchids3? 那怎么知道我喜欢兰花?
      [03:01.24]Maybe he followed you home. 可能他跟踪你到家。
      [03:05.64]lt`s very strange. 非常奇怪。
      [03:05.92]No, it`s probably scary. 不,可能非常可怕。
      [03:09.60]Mom, look, this is the most romantic thing... 妈妈,看,这是所有男人对你所做过...
      [03:12.60]that a man has ever done for you. 的最浪漫的事情。
      [03:13.68]Quit questioning it and enjoy it. 别再怀疑它了,享受它吧。
      [03:19.64]You are absolutely right. 你是对的。
      [03:29.08](sighing) (叹气声)
      [03:31.68]Why are you wearing jeans under your robe? 你为什么在浴袍里面穿裤子?
      [03:34.56]How would you like to have bruises4 all over your body? 你想我怎么样把你打的遍体鳞伤。
      [03:45.48]Your uncle is a genius. 你叔叔是天才。
      [03:48.96]lt worked? She was singing happy songs! 奏效了? 她在哼小调。
      [03:49.24]She never sings happy songs. 她从来没有如此高兴地哼小调。
      [03:53.16]Yeah, well, neither do l, but don`t send me flowers, okay? 是啊,我也没有过。不过不要送花给我,好吗?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      超完美男人      

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