


时间:2017-04-24 12:01来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:31.18]In the moment, I remember thinking it didnt much matter, the who of it all. 那一刻,我觉得是谁并不重要 [02:35.26]I mean, that nobody is gonna be everything to you... 我的意思是说, 没有一个人可以意味着全
  • [02:31.18]In the moment, I remember thinking it didn't much matter, the who of it all. 那一刻,我觉得是谁并不重要
    [02:35.26]I mean, that nobody is gonna be everything to you... 我的意思是说, 没有一个人可以意味着全部...
    [02:39.94]...and that it's just the action of committing yourself... ...只是自己的一种承诺...
    [02:43.10]...you know, meeting your responsibilities, that matters. ...自己应该负起的责任,这才是重要的

    [02:45.78]I mean, what is love, right, if it's not respect, trust, admiration5? 就是说,爱难道不是尊重、信任、钦仰么?
    [02:48.98]And l-- I felt all those things. 所有这些我都感觉到了
    [02:52.94]Cut to the present, and I feel like I'm running a nursery... 回到现实, 我感觉自己是和以前的爱人...
    [02:56.10]...with somebody I used to date, you know. ...在开托儿所
    [02:58.42]I mean, I'm like a monk6, you know. 就是说我感觉自己像修道士
    [03:00.42]I mean, I've had sex less than 1 0 times in the last four years. 我的意思是说这4年来我只有过不到10次性生活
    [03:07.06]-What, what? You laughing at me? -No. -什么,你在笑我? -不
    [03:09.02]-lt sounds pathetic? -What monastery7 do monks8 have sex--? -听起来很可怜是吧? -有哪家修道院的和尚可以过性生活的么--?
    [03:12.02]Okay, you're right, I'm doing better than most monks. 好,你说的对 我比修道士强多了
    [03:14.02]But I do, I feel like if somebody were to touch me... 但我真的感觉 如果有人上来碰我...
    [03:18.70]...I would dissolve into molecules9. ...我会融化的
    [03:19.18]Well, we're here. We've gotta go. Come on. 好,我们到了, 要走了
    [03:21.94]Shit. 该死
    [03:37.46]-I'm sorry to hear that, you know. -What? -真遗憾 -什么?
    [03:41.02]You're not that happy with your marriage. 你的婚姻不美满
    [03:45.10]-This friend of mine, she's a shrink-- -How's she doing? -我的那个朋友,是个心理医生-- -她如何?
    [03:47.30]She's a mess, but.... 一团糟....

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      日落之前      

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